Arduino Drivers not installing

I just bought an Arduino mega 2560 ,

and i plug it into my computer with the usb cable ..

And i downloaded the Arduino ide software and installed it.

When i go to my device manger it appear two not installed devices (Arduino drivers)

i tried to install it manually with Arduino drivers folder it says "Unable to install drivers".

What I can do ? :frowning:

I'm using windows 7

Please help meee !!!

Sorry for R.I.P English


What serial adapter does the board have on it?

Look for the black part close to the USB header. It's either a 16u2, a CH340G, or an FT232.

There are oodles of clones of the arduino boards available, and many of them use the cheaper CH340G or FTDI chip, instead of the 16u2. If it's CH340G or FTDI, that's the drivers you need, not the normal arduino drivers.

Thanks sir for your replay ..

My Arduino have CH34OG chip ,

Please can you give me the drivers for my arduino?

Thanks for your caring :slight_smile: