Arduino Due & AccelStepper- faster speeds?

Has anybody successfully used the AccelStepper library with an Arduino Due?

I currently have a Mega 2560 & an Uno, however I am controlling 3 stepper motors and they are all having trouble running at the same time.

I would like to switch to a Due (which has an 84MHz clock instead of 16MHz) and see these problems be erased, but I need to know if the 4000 steps/sec is an absolute limitation of boards run with 16MHz clocks or not.

Help appreciated! Thanks!

I talked to Mike McCauley and he says that AccelStepper has been verified on a Due, but he still doesn't know if the 4000 steps/sec limit can be bumped up using a Due or not.

Now just looking to see if anyone has tested the upper limits of the library while using a Due at all.. Thanks!

Hope this helps people in the future looking to do the same thing-

My problem has been solved!

YES: a faster clock speed will clear up those upper limit issues I was/am seeing

YES: Arduino Due works with AccelStepper

HOWEVER: I am going to branch out ( :astonished:) and use a ChipKIT Uno32. Since I have an Uno setup in place already, this will pretty much be directly swappable- (minus the whole 3.3V thing but I'm going to put in a few level shifter ICs to clear that right up- plus, the chipKIT is supposedly 5V tolerant so I don't have to shift for EVERY single line). After I download their IDE (looks just like Arduino IDE but red) I don't even have to change anything in the code. ]:smiley: Lots of benefits to the ChipKIT, but we'll see how it goes. If I remember I will post another update to let everyone know how it went. Should be fine. A user on another forum reported he could run 10 steppers at >10k steps/sec on his ChipKIT :smiley: And there are youtube vids of people pulling it off and urrythang.

Still going to generally stick to Arduino since there's so much more support for almost anything you can think of though. :slight_smile:


I Have exactly the same problem, so yes it helps and thanks for these useful informations! :grin:
I actually run my 6 axis robotic arm with accelstepper and a mega2560. This is not fast enough.
I am currently wondering If I will switch to a Due or a max32.
Did you go further with your Uno32?