For a physical activity monitoring project, I develop a prototype based on an Arduino Due et several IMUs (BNO055 from Bosch). I have to collect the data from the sensors simultaneously (3 for the moment), I want to use a Serial connection (Since the Arduino Due has 4 hardware serial ports).
Here comes the first issue : I use the shuttleboard BNO0055, and because of my limited knowledge, I'm not sur I did the right wiring. As I understood in the datasheets (and this one), the PS0 pin must be connected to the GND and PS1 to the incoming voltage. The COM0 to the RX of the Arduino and COM1 to TX. I am confused with the doc, I can't figure out which pin of the shuttleboard are the COM0 and COM1. Here is the wiring I did :
Do you think it's good ?
And now there is a second problem : If the wiring is good, how can I communicate with the sensor to get the Euler angles ? The BNO055 sensor does the fusion data itself, and gives the quaternions or the Euler angle. Bosch provides a library . I have never used a library, and I don't know the syntax to ask the sensor to give the Euler angles. Can someone give me a code to do this ? Or at least explanations on the syntaxe I should use ?
Hello BunkSB
I had the same problem, and i solved it
At first you load this files:
From Bosch-Sensortec (
Product\9-Axis Sensors\BNO55 the datasheet(s)
Install the Examples and drivers from Adafruit.
The BNO055 have as default I2C address (0x29), then you mast change them in the header file.
Edit the „Adafruit_BNO055.h“ file at the column 240 an replace the address:
Adafruit_BNO055 ( int32_t sensorID = -1, uint8_t address = BNO055_ADDRESS_A );
Adafruit_BNO055 ( int32_t sensorID = -1, uint8_t address = BNO055_ADDRESS_B );
Then wire the Arduino and BNO055 Shuttle.
Look as the schematic Picture!
You need the Level-Shifter, because you have two different powers.
If it finished, load the Arduino sketch“sensorapi“ from Adafruit and it works
I am using same sensor(bno055 shuttle board). I follow same connection that sensor master has posted(schemetic.jpg).slight change i use 10kohm with 'i2c addr selec' pin then to vddio. I want connect bno055 shuttle board with msp432 using energia IDE. energia is compatible of arduino libraries. but while uploading the code I am facing following errors. I dont know why it comes