I am currently switching over from a MEGA2560 to a Due because I realized I needed a more powerful microonctroller for my functions.
I am also using a Keyes USB shield with my project. (http://www.thaieasyelec.com/downloads/EFDV521/Datasheet_Keyes_USBHostShield.pdf)
I have been warned that the Due, unlike the mega operates at 3.3V and am concerned whether my USB shield would work with the Due.
I am only using a mouse for my project. But having read through some websites, one sentence seemed a bit concerning : MAX3421E is 3.3V device and USB is 3.3V bus. Therefore, it is essential to always have 3.3V supplied to the shield during operation. USB-specified VBUS voltage is 5V; since all bus-powered devices are designed to be powered from 5V, some of them won’t work reliably or even at all from 3.3V. This is especially true for low-speed devices, like keyboards and mice (https://www.circuitsathome.com/usb-host-shield-hardware-manual/)
I noticed the Due has a 5V pin and am confused as to what its functionality is? Does it serve the same purpose as the 5v pin on a mega? to supply regulated 5v ?
will I need to make hardware modifications to my shield or need to consider alternative power options?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
5V.This pin outputs a regulated 5V from the regulator on the board. The board can be supplied with power either from the DC power jack (7 - 12V), the USB connector (5V), or the VIN pin of the board (7-12V). Supplying voltage via the 5V or 3.3V pins bypasses the regulator, and can damage your board. We don't advise it.
Compatible with the USB 2.0 specification
Supports High (480Mbps), Full (12Mbps) and Low (1.5Mbps) speed communication and On-The-Go
10 pipes/endpoints
4096 bytes of Embedded Dual-Port RAM (DPRAM) for Pipes/Endpoints
Up to 3 memory banks per Pipe/Endpoint (Not for Control Pipe/Endpoint)
Flexible Pipe/Endpoint configuration and management with dedicated DMA channels
On-Chip UTMI transceiver including Pull-Ups/Pull-downs
On-Chip OTG pad including VBUS analog comparator
I cant seem to understand this schematic for the USB shield
i am using : http://www.thaieasyelec.com/downloads/EFDV521/Datasheet_Keyes_USBHostShield.pdf
but i see that there is a 5 v output, but also mentioned compatibility with 3.3 V boards
I'm scared I'll damage my new board. Can you help advice me i its okay for me to try it with the Due board?
Thanks so much. Didnt know of this
Does this mean I would need to find a mouse that connects to a micro USB port?
then insert it into the native port on the Due?