ARDUINO DUE and Simulink Change Resolution and PWM Frequency

Hello, i use for many projects an Arduino BOARD.

Currently, i use the ARDUINO DUE with Simulink.

My Question to you as Arduino- Profis :slight_smile: :

Please, i search for a long time, but find an answer.

How can i change the PWM Frequency from Simulink ?

With my Arduino Mega, when i use the INITIALIZE Function in Simulink and write this :

TCCR2B = TCCR2B & 0b11111000

I change my PWM-Frequence to 32kHz, but how is the code for the Arduino DUE?

And how can i change the PWM Resolution from Simulink to ?

Does it know someone ?

I have exactly the same problem, and I've looked for this in several forums but in any of them is the answer about how to change it in SIMULINK. I don't want to know how to change it in Arduino software. I'd like to want to know how to change it in in Simulink, please.

I'd be very grateful if anyone who knows it could answer this question.

Thanks in advance.

Any ideas?