Arduino Due and Wifi Shield -- Point-to-Point connection


I have an Arduino Due and a Wifi Shield (integrated antenna) and I'd like to know if it's possibile to establish a point-to-point connection (low latency) with other devices, e.g. PCs, smartphones .
Thank you


Ciao a tutti,
ho un Arduino Due ed un Wifi Shield (antenna integrata) . E' possibile stabilire un collegamento punto a punto fra l'Arduino ed un altro device munito di Wifi? Come ad esempio un cellulare o computer


no one knows?

Take a look at the ethernet reference here: Ethernet - Arduino Reference

Whatever you can do with ethernet, you can do with wifi - plenty of examples of different scenarios there.

Why do you say that I can do the same things with both protocols. Do the libraries have an high level of transparency in implementing a point-to-point connection?
thank you