Arduino DUE Booard Model DUE R3-E

Good morning!

I bought recently a DUE board Model DUE R3-E. I there any difference to the preceding boards. I cant't find no hint at the arduino hompage.

Thanks for the Anwser.


I searched the web for info as well, and could not find anything.
All of my DUEs simply report: Board Model Due R3.

Visually, is there anything different? Can you see if any new lines have been brought out from the native Ethernet interface of the ATSAM3X8E? Ok.... so I'm just indulging in a bit of wishful thinking that the E stood for Ethernet.

Good morning!

I bought recently a DUE board Model DUE R3-E. I there any difference to the preceding boards. I cant't find no hint at the arduino hompage.

Thanks for the Anwser.


Can you pop out some more infos where did you buy it, can you post a piture?


yes, a link would be great, as the DUE R3 seems to have a problem: when it is powered the code won't run. You have to power off, wait some seconds and then reconnect it to power, only then the code will work. The R3-E solves this, have a look at this thread: Due won't start after power off-on, have to reset - Arduino Due - Arduino Forum


Hi Marcus,
I'm also looking for the info for "E" edition but could not find any.. Some of my boards are "E" but I dont know where I purchased.. It looks very similar to R3..but, if you like I can post photos of the board.. reha

The Arduino Store is selling the new Due R3-E, without headers.

many thanks for info.. But still looking for "difference btwn R3 & R3E" or schematic of R3 E .. on the store, could not locate any technical information. reha