Arduino DUE + DHT22 wrong value

Hi everyone!

I want to measure temperature and humidity with a DHT22 sensor on an Arduino DUE motherboard, as it is more accurate than the DHT11.
The measurement works well, but rarely unexpectedly measures invalid data: The temperature and humidity are exactly 25.5.
Until now, I operated from 3.3V, but I have already tried it with a 3.3V-5.5 level converter and the measurement did not become more stable.
I use DHT.h and the commands are:
"humdity = dht1.readHumidity();
temperature = dht1.readTemperature();"

Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong?

DHT22 hiba

Thank you!

Post complete code. One possibility for such values may be if you read the sensor too often (more than once every other second).
A DHT22 isn't made for high frequency measurements.

No no... I read the DHT22 every 2 minutes.
The reading part:

  if (millis() - last_measurement_time > 120000) {
   "humdity = dht1.readHumidity();
    temperature = dht1.readTemperature();"
 last_measurement_time = millis(); 

The last_measurement_time is long type.

It is very interesting that 25.5 is very similar to 255, which is the maximum value of 8 bits. Therefore, I would think that the program is not faulty (since it usually works well), but that some data is damaged when reading it.
Should I try DELAY when reading out?

That's right, it seems that in these cases the second and fourth byte of the transfer have only 1 bits while all other bits are 0. I first thought that the sensor might flag a problem with this but I couldn't find any documentation that would prove that. Maybe it's an undocumented feature, don't forget these sensors are quite cheap Chinese stuff, so don't expect everything to be documented.

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