The initial euphoria of unboxing my Arduino DUE, downloading the IDE, compiling and uploading the blinking LED sketch in less than 30 minutes is all but gone. I find, like so many before me, that the Arduino DUE does not reliably power-up and run its sketch. Upload, reset button or short power outage and it works like a dream but not for a power outage of several minutes where I need to manually hit the reset button or quickly cycle the power so that my sketch starts running.
I find it disappointing that this issue seems to have been around for over a year and yet I cannot find a published solution. If somebody knows a solution then can they please let me know as there are several others reporting this same problem without any resolution. It does not matter how powered (i.e., DC socket, Vin pin, native or programming USB port).
I read that the DUE makes use of the SAM3X bootloader called SAM-BA that is permanently burned in the chip ROM straight out of factory (unlikely to find an issue here). I am about to investigate the following:
- Could the ATMEGA16U2 (USB programming port micro) be keeping the MASTER_RESET line low?
- Is the SAM3X coming out of reset and the sketch getting hung up somewhere in the kernel?
- Could the kernel have inappropriate brownout or supply monitor reset configuration?
- Other? (suggestions please, and I will spend some time to investigate).
I have tried another computer, cable, power source and DUE board to no avail. I conclude that the issue is with the DUE design.
I also find DUE behaviour strange that digital outputs go high during power-up. Downloading a Nokia 5110 sketch become frustrating only having to work out after several hours that I had to add a line to set the LCD_SCLK low. Obviously this issue doesn't happen with other Arduino board family members. I intend to resolve this by tweaking the core accordingly. I will publish the solution once resolved.
Where has the promised benefits of open source software and hardware gone?