Arduino Due newbie

Hi, I'm new at using the arduino due but had some prior experience with the uno R3.

I just wanted to know if the serial programming port works in the same way as the uno, or do i need to reset it differently?

It's not going to keep all it's flash memory filled if i use it like the uno right?

Can somebody help me confirm this because i didn't understand the getting started page on the due clearly on how to reset the board's ports.

Sorry I'm not very familiar with erasing flash, i haven't done it too many times in the past.


I just wanted to know if the serial programming port works in the same way as the uno, or do i need to reset it differently?

I don't understand the question. From a user's point of view programming is done the same as most other Arduinos, IE plug in a USB cable and download.

It's not going to keep all it's flash memory filled if i use it like the uno right?

I don't get this either, flash memory is non-volatile, unless you press the ERASE button or download from the IDE (same thing) the code stays right where you put it.


You've answered my question. It's just that i thought you had to reset your memory from the IDE by writing code

Thank you for clearing that out! :cold_sweat: