Arduino Due Obsolete?

I did contact Andreas (sensorsiot) and asked whether he could determine the numbers for the MKR1000, and he did -- thanks Andreas!

This is the updated table, and since MKR1000 and Arduino Zero seem to have very similar SAMD21... microcontrollers the table can be considered complete:

model -Os -O3 speed processor Wifi
101 846 791 32MHz Intel® Curie -
Due 548 494 84MHz ATSAM3X8E -
MKR1000 1038 825 48MHz SAMD21 Cortex-M0+ yes
Zero - - 48MHz ATSAMD21G18 -
ESP8266-12E 612 304 80MHz Tensilica Xtensa LX106 yes

The Arduino Due outperforms the other >16MHz Arduinos integer compute power wise, and is only beaten by the ESP8266-12E.
