in arduino due, can we set pinmode to input and then pulldown? how?
I know that there is INPUT_PULLUP but is there a way to make pull down programmatically?
in arduino due, can we set pinmode to input and then pulldown? how?
I know that there is INPUT_PULLUP but is there a way to make pull down programmatically?
I can't see any guidance on whether INPUT_PULLDOWN works on Due, so I guess not. Which is strange, because other ARM-based Arduino models like the M0/Zero do have INPUT_PULLDOWN. But why not try it anyway? You may just get a compile error.
If that idea won't work, you can add an external pull down resistor connected to another Due pin for programmatic control.
if I use INPUT_PULLDOWN, an error is generated saying that INPUT_PULLDOWN is not defined.
Im just curious if there is a way not using pinmode, I mean manually setting input to become LOW when we digitalread it? ...I mean input will not be floating, but always have LOW value if not connected to anything as opposed to INPUT_PULLUP which is always HIGH when not connected to anything.
As much as possible I dont want to use external pulldown resistors.
If there was such a feature, it would have been INPUT_PULLDOWN, but...
Sorry ...
Why can't you use INPUT_PULLUP?
Curious. Why the need for pull down.
Pull up with sensors between pin and ground is usually more logical and safer.