hi all,
i need to convert this code for arduino due but the library (Softwareserial.h and EEPROM)can't be running for the clock at 84Mhz.
Multi-drop RS485 device control demo.
Devised and written by Nick Gammon.
Date: 7 September 2015
Version: 1.0
Licence: Released for public use.
For RS485_non_blocking library see: http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/?id=11428
For JKISS32 see: http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=263849.0
#include <RS485_non_blocking.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
// the data we broadcast to each other device
byte address;
byte switches [10];
int status;
} message;
const unsigned long BAUD_RATE = 9600;
const float TIME_PER_BYTE = 1.0 / (BAUD_RATE / 10.0); // seconds per sending one byte
const unsigned long PACKET_LENGTH = ((sizeof (message) * 2) + 6); // 2 bytes per payload byte plus STX/ETC/CRC
const unsigned long PACKET_TIME = TIME_PER_BYTE * PACKET_LENGTH * 1000000; // microseconds
// software serial pins
const byte RX_PIN = 2;
const byte TX_PIN = 3;
// transmit enable
const byte XMIT_ENABLE_PIN = 4;
// debugging pins
const byte OK_PIN = 6;
const byte TIMEOUT_PIN = 7;
const byte SEND_PIN = 8;
const byte SEARCHING_PIN = 9;
const byte ERROR_PIN = 10;
// action pins (demo)
const byte LED_PIN = 13;
const byte SWITCH_PIN = A0;
// times in microseconds
const unsigned long TIME_BETWEEN_MESSAGES = 3000;
unsigned long noMessagesTimeout;
byte nextAddress;
unsigned long lastMessageTime;
unsigned long lastCommsTime;
unsigned long randomTime;
SoftwareSerial rs485 (RX_PIN, TX_PIN); // receive pin, transmit pin
// what state we are in
enum {
} state;
// callbacks for the non-blocking RS485 library
size_t fWrite (const byte what)
rs485.write (what);
int fAvailable ()
return rs485.available ();
int fRead ()
lastCommsTime = micros ();
return rs485.read ();
// RS485 library instance
RS485 myChannel (fRead, fAvailable, fWrite, 20);
// from EEPROM
byte myAddress; // who we are
byte numberOfDevices; // maximum devices on the bus
// Initial seed for JKISS32
static unsigned long x = 123456789,
y = 234567891,
z = 345678912,
w = 456789123,
c = 0;
// Simple Random Number Generator
unsigned long JKISS32 ()
long t;
y ^= y << 5;
y ^= y >> 7;
y ^= y << 22;
t = z + w + c;
z = w;
c = t < 0;
w = t & 2147483647;
x += 1411392427;
return x + y + w;
} // end of JKISS32
void Seed_JKISS32 (const unsigned long newseed)
if (newseed != 0)
x = 123456789;
y = newseed;
z = 345678912;
w = 456789123;
c = 0;
} // end of Seed_JKISS32
void setup ()
// debugging prints
Serial.begin (115200);
// software serial for talking to other devices
rs485.begin (BAUD_RATE);
// initialize the RS485 library
myChannel.begin ();
// debugging prints
Serial.println ();
Serial.println (F("Commencing"));
myAddress = EEPROM.read (0);
Serial.print (F("My address is "));
Serial.println (int (myAddress));
numberOfDevices = EEPROM.read (1);
Serial.print (F("Max address is "));
Serial.println (int (numberOfDevices));
if (myAddress >= numberOfDevices)
Serial.print (F("** WARNING ** - device number is out of range, will not be detected."));
Serial.print (F("Packet length = "));
Serial.print (PACKET_LENGTH);
Serial.println (F(" bytes."));
Serial.print (F("Packet time = "));
Serial.print (PACKET_TIME);
Serial.println (F(" microseconds."));
// calculate how long to assume nothing is responding
noMessagesTimeout = (PACKET_TIME + TIME_BETWEEN_MESSAGES) * numberOfDevices * 2;
Serial.print (F("Timeout for no messages = "));
Serial.print (noMessagesTimeout);
Serial.println (F(" microseconds."));
// set up various pins
// demo action pins
pinMode (LED_PIN, OUTPUT);
// debugging pins
pinMode (OK_PIN, OUTPUT);
// seed the PRNG
Seed_JKISS32 (myAddress + 1000);
nextAddress = 0;
randomTime = JKISS32 () % 500000; // microseconds
} // end of setup
// set the next expected address, wrap around at the maximum
void setNextAddress (const byte current)
nextAddress = current;
if (nextAddress >= numberOfDevices)
nextAddress = 0;
} // end of setNextAddress
// Here to process an incoming message
void processMessage ()
// we cannot receive a message from ourself
// someone must have given two devices the same address
if (message.address == myAddress)
digitalWrite (ERROR_PIN, HIGH);
while (true)
{ } // give up
} // can't receive our address
digitalWrite (OK_PIN, HIGH);
// handle the incoming message, depending on who it is from and the data in it
// make our LED match the switch of the previous device in sequence
if (message.address == (myAddress - 1))
digitalWrite (LED_PIN, message.switches [0]);
digitalWrite (OK_PIN, LOW);
} // end of processMessage
// Here to send our own message
void sendMessage ()
digitalWrite (SEND_PIN, HIGH);
memset (&message, 0, sizeof message);
message.address = myAddress;
// fill in other stuff here (eg. switch positions, analog reads, etc.)
message.switches [0] = digitalRead (SWITCH_PIN);
// now send it
digitalWrite (XMIT_ENABLE_PIN, HIGH); // enable sending
myChannel.sendMsg ((byte *) &message, sizeof message);
digitalWrite (XMIT_ENABLE_PIN, LOW); // disable sending
setNextAddress (myAddress + 1);
digitalWrite (SEND_PIN, LOW);
lastCommsTime = micros (); // we count our own send as activity
randomTime = JKISS32 () % 500000; // microseconds
} // end of sendMessage
void loop ()
// incoming message?
if (myChannel.update ())
memset (&message, 0, sizeof message);
int len = myChannel.getLength ();
if (len > sizeof message)
len = sizeof message;
memcpy (&message, myChannel.getData (), len);
lastMessageTime = micros ();
setNextAddress (message.address + 1);
processMessage ();
} // end of message completely received
// switch states if too long a gap between messages
if (micros () - lastMessageTime > noMessagesTimeout)
else if (micros () - lastCommsTime > PACKET_TIME)
switch (state)
// nothing heard for a long time? We'll take over then
if (micros () - lastCommsTime >= (noMessagesTimeout + randomTime))
Serial.println (F("No devices."));
digitalWrite (SEARCHING_PIN, HIGH);
sendMessage ();
digitalWrite (SEARCHING_PIN, LOW);
// we heard from another device recently
// if it is our turn, respond
// we allow a small gap, and if it is our turn, we send our message
if (micros () - lastCommsTime >= TIME_BETWEEN_MESSAGES && myAddress == nextAddress)
sendMessage ();
// a device did not respond in its slot time, move onto the next one
digitalWrite (TIMEOUT_PIN, HIGH);
setNextAddress (nextAddress + 1);
lastCommsTime += PACKET_TIME;
digitalWrite (TIMEOUT_PIN, LOW);
state = STATE_RECENT_RESPONSE; // pretend we got the missing response
} // end of switch on state
} // end of loop
For EEPROM maybe solved directly assigning values to variables required.
someone would know help me?
thank you