Arduino DUE Synchronous Serial working example

Hi to all,
Im looking for a working example of Arduino Due using USART in Synchronous mode.

My board need to be connected to two devices with serial synchronous transmittinr and receiving ports respectively in simplex mode.

I'd like to use 2 USARTS as described below:

Device 0 -----> Arduino RX_DATA0, Clock IN USART0

Arduino TX_DATA1, Clock OUT USART1 ---> Device 1

Can anyone redirect me to a working example?
Thanks in advance.

Sam3x USART peripheral can operate in several modes. One of them is ISO7816 (Sam3x datasheet, page 795). The ISO7816 is a half duplex communication on only one bidirectional line. Is this what you are looking for ?

BTW, there is a "software" USART library too: