Arduino DUE vs Arduino Uno data logging speed

Hi All,

I'm currently doing a project with Arduino Uno, MPU6050 sensor, and Load Cell. I'm using the PLX_DAQ excel from Netdevil for real time data logging. I have it all working together, but I have a problem. When I run the program for MPU6050 sensor not including the load cell program, it reads fairly fast but when I added (combined) the program for the Load Cell including libraries, the reading from the PLX_DAQ excel slows down. Is this going to be a processing issue because I'm trying to read the angle, angular velocity, and force at the same time. If so, do I need a faster board like the Arduino DUE? or any faster arduino board just to make the data logging faster to the PLX_DAQ excell data logger? I tried changing the baud rate, delay values but still slow. I really appreciate it if someone can at least give me an idea what should be my next step. Thank you very much.

What sampling rate do you need from the arduino? The UNO can acquire a few sensors outputs at a rate of at least tens of samples per second. To be able to assess the source of the problem, try to write a small program with PROCESSING on PC or using another UNO. This program will just receive the sensors outputs and print them out on the serial monitor. If the results are OK the problem is probably within the processing software on the PC. Good luck


I run the code for MPU6050 sensor to measure angular velocity and I'm getting close to the same speed outputting in PLX_DAQ excel and the serial monitor, which is kind of what I want the speed to be, but then when I added the Load Cell code, the output speed in serial monitor and in the PLX_DAQ excel slows down. Is this going to be because of the length of the code and libraries that the Arduino has to read that's why the speed of the output is slowing down every time I combine all the code and the sensors together? What I want from sampling rate is 100hz to 1khz per channel.

Who runs this load cell program? The arduino or an external PC? If the Arduino runs this program, it has now 3 tasks:

  • Sampling data every 10 ms
  • Running the load cell processing
  • Printing results
    This can be a bottleneck for the UNO which is just an 8 bit microcontroller.
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Yes the Arduino uno also runs the Load Cell program. So if that's the case then arduino due has 32bit, is it going to be faster? Also are the libraries and codes that I used in Arduino uno compatible in due?

In the past I made a comparative benchmark between UNO and DUE based on floating point computation. The results were that DUE was approximately 4 times faster than UNO. Be aware that ARDUINO DUE operates on 3.3 Volts so any input to DUE shall not exceed 3.3 Volts.
Good luck

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