I'm currently an Arduino Due user, but the specs on the Propeller-2 (due later this year) can not be ignored. Parallax has positively responded to the market, and they have invested in C compilers and put in ADCs on the chip, up to 92! It will be faster than the Due and include 8 Multi-processors. Impressive. If real, I'd like to see a future Arduino Board running the Propeller-2 chip.
Propeller-2 Module Specs:
32-bit Multi-Processor (8 Core) Module
HD 1080p Video
Programmable in GCC
200 Mhz Clock Speed
126 KB RAM and 2KB per Processor
TBD KB RAM for Program Storage
92 I/O Pinds
Up to 92 ADC (13-bit Resolution)
USART, PWM, I2C, SPI done in Software enabling numerous peripherals beyond traditional hardware approach.
$??? (price for integrated system on module)
Personally I'd not hold my breath the Prop II is a complex beast and its taking its
time to get finalised (tiny development team for such a chip, but with an army of
alpha-testers let loose on the FPGA models)
There is an existing Prop I board (Propeller-ASC) compatible with the Arduino
shields, and I have a vague recollection someone's written a software compatibility
layer too (?).
According to the Parallax community (link below), the module will include external EEPROM via SPI for program storage; that's how its done on Prop-1 modules. No word on size. Provided the integrated module is less than the price of the Due, Parallax may have a winner.
There is an existing Prop I board (Propeller-ASC) compatible with the Arduino
shields, and I have a vague recollection someone's written a software compatibility
layer too (?).
Yes, apparently someone wrote a language called Propellino. At this time, the Prop-1 does not interest me because of lack of ADCs, among other things. For now, I'm staying with the Due, but I will try the Prop-2 when out. A module designed and programmed by the Arduino team featuring the Prop 2 would be even better.
Parallax stated that an announcement would be made regarding the Propeller-2 by end of spring, 2015. That moment is here. Follow this thread for upcoming news:
I'm currently an Arduino Due user, but the specs on the Propeller-2 (due later this year) can not be ignored. Parallax has positively responded to the market, and they have invested in C compilers and put in ADCs on the chip, up to 92! It will be faster than the Due and include 8 Multi-processors. Impressive. If real, I'd like to see a future Arduino Board running the Propeller-2 chip.
Then someone will have to port the Arduino core to it - want to volunteer?!