Arduino DUE with 3.2" TFT and TFT/SD Shield. Can't get it to work.


I am having trouble getting my new touch screen display to work. Right now I am just trying to get the display to work and the SD and touch I will worry about later. I cannot seem to be able to get the display to do anything. Here is my hardware:

  1. Arduino DUE
  2. TFT/SD Shield for Arduino DUE LCD Module SD Card 2.8 3.2 link
  3. 3.2" TFT LCD Touch Panel with PCB adapter 262K screen IC SSD1289 for Arduino link

Here is what I have tried:

  1. Downloaded the UTFT library and installed
  2. I am using the example sketch Examples\UTFT\Arduino (ARM)+Teensy\UTFT_Demo_320x240
  3. I have tried both commented and uncommenting the "#define CTE_DUE_SHIELD 1" in the HW_ARM_defines.h in the \hardware\arm folder of the UTFT library
  4. I have tried setting the line in the example sketch to: UTFT myGLCD(SSD1289,25,26,27,28), UTFT myGLCD(SSD1289,38,39,40,41)

I am at a loss. I believe that the "UTFT myGLCD(SSD1289,25,26,27,28)" line should be right since the vendor states that the display control pins are PD0-PD3 which relate to DUE pins 25-28.

No matter what I try the display doesn't do anything. I have searched everywhere I could find both on this forum and other places on the internet and I can't find any solution. Can someone please help me?

  1. Your adapter comes from Sainsmart. Check it for solder bridges, wrong jumpers, bad construction, ...
  2. Your display link has a photo of the blue pcb. Does it say TFT320QVT_9341 ?

Your Due uses 3.3V logic levels. TFTLCDCyg has posted a modified UTFT library that supports the ILI9341.



  1. Your adapter comes from Sainsmart. Check it for solder bridges, wrong jumpers, bad construction, ...
  2. Your display link has a photo of the blue pcb. Does it say TFT320QVT_9341 ?

Your Due uses 3.3V logic levels. TFTLCDCyg has posted a modified UTFT library that supports the ILI9341.


Thanks for the help.

#1 - All looks OK on the shield
#2 - The display does say TFT_320QVT_9341

In regard to the ogic levels, I have also tried to get this working on my Mega 2560 to no avail.

Where can I find the library you mentioned?


Never mind my previous post. Your first post has got me going. After a while I was able to find the modified library you mentioned and got the display going.

For those that may experience the same problem, here are some details.

  1. Using an Arduino DUE
  2. The display adapter is a sainsmart shield that has "CTE TFT LCD/SD Shield for Arduino Due" printed on it
  3. The display itself is a 3.2" TFT 320x240 LCD display with touch screen and SD card slot. It has TFT_320QVT_9341 printed on the pcb

To get it working:

  1. download the updated UTFT library at this LINK
  2. install the library as usual
  3. uncomment the "#define CTE_DUE_SHIELD 1" in the HW_ARM_defines.h in the \hardware\arm folder of the UTFT library
  4. Use the example sketch from Examples\UTFT\Arduino (ARM)+Teensy\UTFT_Demo_320x240
    For the setup line in the example sketch, change it to UTFT myGLCD(ILI9341_16,25,26,27,28);

That's it. That got the display working fine. Thanks to @david_prentice for pointing me in the right direction, and to @TFTLCDCyg for creating and sharing the UTFT library, and to the original author of the UTFT library.

I am pleased that you have it working.

This is an excellent example of a well presented question getting solved quickly.

Since you had posted clickable links, it meant that anyone could see the photos, details etc.

I was on a Tablet so it was not practical to post links or long URLs. But at least my hints got you in the right direction. I still suggest that you examine your Sainsmart Due Adapter carefully.

To run this display on a Mega, you need a Mega Adapter shield.
