Arduino Due

Hi I'm a new in arduino(arduino due programming
I try to run this code on my arduino board

when I run it on my arduino all is okbut when I try to run it on my arduino due I recieve this error
fatal error: avr/io.h: No such file or directory
I have read that is prenent some trouble with arduino due and Arduino 1.5.x... I have also download the new Avr library but I cant find the right place for put it inside my folder (on a mac) Is present a lot of folder named avr :frowning:
someone can help me to solve the problem?

Try adding #include <Arduino.h> at the top of your program. If that doesn't work, verify that the Liquid Crystal library version your using works with the Due--perhaps download the most recent version.

I have try with Arduino.h but is not the problem.

not even lcd library is the trouble because in my project I haven't hit (the github project is only an example for start).