arduino duemilanove 2009 doesn't work properly

I bought arduino duemilanove 2009
I loaded button sketch and it doesn't work:

  1. LED is shinning even when I take off cables from pins;
  2. It turn off then i touching a USB socket.
  3. Led start shinne whitout cables when i put my hand near arduino board.
    SOrry for my english;)

Sounds like you got a bad board. The auction says they have a 7-day return policy. You just have to pay for shipping back to China.

$13.99 (+3.99 shipping) is a good price for an Arduino Compatible, but only if it works.

The LED is shining because the button sketch is reading a digital pin which isn't connected - placing your hand nearby can cause enough stray field to affect the input. This is normal. If you connect a push button and pull-up resistor the LED should respond to the button.