hello im working on a very important project for my school and i need help. im am trying to integrate a wii remote to an arduino using a host shield using the link http://www.circuitsathome.com/mcu/ps3-and-wiimote-game-controllers-on-the-arduino-host-shield-part-3 now when i look at the codes GitHub - moyuchin/WiiRemote_on_Arduino: Wii Remote, Arduino, USB Host Shield, Circuit at home i don't know how to integrate those header and source files into a arduino duiminalove ATMEGA328
That looks like a library. You have to copy the whole lot to a directory with the same name as the cpp file under your arduino/library directory.
It would look like c:\Arduino\library\WiiRemote\
Then you include the WiiRemote header (WiiRemote.h) in your sketch.
can you please down grade that to a newbie status or can you give me links or tutorials on how to do that please?
Thank You
This is a good place to start. It will give you background on how things are put together. There are also links on the page to the library section but I suggest work through this one first.
Then click on the "Environment" link to get here
Please ask again if you need more help.
so now if i add the library form the wiimote programming it should be able to compile?
If you added it to the correct path the Arduino IDE will pick it up as a dependency and compile it in.