Arduino Esplora and Lynxmotion SSC-32 help

I connected Arduino Esplora to SSC-32 board made by Lynxmotion. I can use the thumbstick to move my robot. I think that there's a problem with the Arduino code. If I comment out the else parts of the code, the robot walks correctly. If I don't comment out the else parts of the code, there is a slight pause in the walking movement. How can I fix the problem?

#include <Esplora.h>
void setup() 
void loop() 
  //  robotstand01();
  //  delay(1000);
  //  robotstand01();
  //  delay(1000);
  if(Esplora.readButton(JOYSTICK_UP)==LOW || Esplora.readButton(JOYSTICK_DOWN)==LOW)
void move(int servo, int position, int time) 
  Serial1.print(" P");
  Serial1.print(" T");
void robotstand01()
void robotwalk01()
void robotwalk02()
void robotwalk03()
void robotwalk04()
void robotwalk05()
void robotwalk06()

You have two


that are commented out, yet not inside the else clauses. So when uncommented, you will always have a 100ms delay. Are these perhaps the culprit? Maybe delete those, or move them inside the else clauses?