Arduino et codage en "hidden line video"

Je suis encore tous nouveau ici et en arduino ... je me pose donc des questions, en voici une parmis d'autres:

Comment en Arduino pouvoir coder puis transmettre via "hidden line video" des information GPS (long, lat & alt), idem coté décodage ?
Le but serait un tracker d'antenne afin de suivre un hélicopter avec des antennes directive.

Merci de vos commentaires.


I'm still new here and all arduino ... So I'm wondering, here's one among others:

How to code Arduino and then transmitted via "hidden line video" GPS information (long, lat & alt), same side decoding?
The goal would be a tracker antenna to follow a helicopter with directive antennas.

Thank you for your comments.

Sadly, the Arduino isn't very good at video. It's not very fast compared to the amount of video data that needs to be processed. Still, I suppose it might be possible.

What video format to you want to use? PAL?

The Arduino doesn't need to deal with video data in this application.
The VideoExperimenter shield may be able to write into the vertical blanking lines, but getting the data into the Arduino without disrupting the delicate timing will be tricky.