As a total beginner in hardware matters, I'd like to ask a compatibility question: What sensors from Making Things and what from i-Cube x (infusion systems) does Arduino support? I am thinking about these as they are standard compatible with the respective other interfaces so I am thinking of experimenting with all three: Making Things Controller, iCube-x and Arduino. The reason why I am thinking of venturing into Arduino is that the project this is for will involve sensors in more adjacent rooms, than we have computers, so we need to install one or more sensor boxes (Arduino?) in each room and feed all those together to the computer-host-nodes via Ethernet. I know tinker.it makes Arduino-ethernet kits, so I wonder what sensors we should get for these (what tech specs, and what makes are recommended). The project will have assorted sensors including: pressure, touch, infrared on-off, infrared-distance, ultrasound, and other kinds we want to purchase from infusion systems or Making Things.
If this all sounds too general, I ask for your patience. :-[
Iannis Zannos