Arduino Every - 4809

There are no design files available for the Arduino Every.
When will these be available?

I am interested in knowing if any of the additional serial ports are broken out on a header or not?

There also seem to be a number of IO lines left unused on the board.
Does the IDE allow these pins to be accessed?
If not are there any plans to or does somebody know if there is a way to access them some other way?

You can see the pin mapping of the Nano Every here:

// On the Arduino board, digital pins are also used
// for the analog output (software PWM).  Analog input
// pins are a separate set.

//                     (SCL)(SDA) (7)  (2)                 (R)  (3~) (6~)
//                 PA4  PA3  PA2  PA1  PA0  GND  VDD  UPDI PF6  PF5  PF4  PF3
//                  48   47   46   45   44   43   42   41   40   39   38   37
//              + ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ +
//        PA5   1|                                                             |36  PF2
//        PA6   2|                                                             |35  PF1 (TOSC2)
//        PA7   3|                                                             |34  PF0 (TOSC1)
//   (9~) PB0   4|                                                             |33  PE3 (8)
//  (10~) PB1   5|                                                             |32  PE2 (13)
//   (5~) PB2   6|                                                             |31  PE1 (12)
//        PB3   7|                          48pin QFN                          |30  PE0 (11~)
//   (Tx) PB4   8|                                                             |29  GND
//   (Rx) PB5   9|                                                             |28  AVDD
//        PC0  10|                                                             |27  PD7 (VREF)
//        PC1  11|                                                             |26  PD6
//        PC2  12|                                                             |25  PD5 (A5)
//               + ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ +
//                  13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24
//                  PC3  VDD  GND  PC4  PC5  PC6  PC7  PD0  PD1  PD2  PD3  PD4
//                                 (1)  (0)  (4)       (A0) (A1) (A2) (A3) (A4)

There also seem to be a number of IO lines left unused on the board.
Does the IDE allow these pins to be accessed?

They're not mapped to Arduino pin numbers, so you can't use them with any of the standard Arduino IO functions like digitalWrite(), but you can use them by reading/writing the registers directly.

If not are there any plans to

I'd guess there are no plans for the official Arduino megaAVR core to support pins that are not broken out on official Arduino boards.

somebody know if there is a way to access them some other way?

There is a 3rd party hardware core that maps all the pins of the ATmega4809:

I think it's still in beta stage, and was written before the Nano Every came out so it doesn't have that variant, but it's worth checking out at least.

Per, are RX/TX pins of the board Serial1 and Serial is USB?

That's correct. PB4 and PB5 are connected to the USB via the ATSAMD11. PC4 is TX of Serial1 (Arduino pin 0) and PC5 is RX of Serial1 (Arduino pin 1).

@Jorgie, you can make your own board definition which will refer the official core.
here are my for example GitHub - JAndrassy/my_boards: My Arduino boards custom variants. You can use it as starting point for your boards specialities.

Thanks for the very informative and prompt replies.