I bought the following "eye shield" from nootropic to try and use as a motion detection devise Video Experimenter: Arduino shield that lets you do all kinds of experiments with video. I would like to use the interpreted video data to detect movement in 5 vertical zones across the picture, and activate an led if movement is detected in that zone (sensing a change in a certain number of pixels in a region = led on). I have the shield however I don’t know how to see/ interpret the data to write this program. I wouldn't need a high frame rate (thinking 5 fps would be fine). Is this too much to ask of my Arduino Uno? Thanks!
Looks like a call to tv.capture() stores a 128x96 black and white image in the TVout frame buffer. You can then read out those values.
The sample, as written, just displays the captured data. That will be good for setting the compare threshold knob.