Me and my classmate is doing our thesis project where we have constructed true wireless speakers with gesture control using radar sensors. The sensors and RPi will be on one of the speakers and the feather in the other one, recieving data from the script that is running on the RPi. The final step and our current problem is how we transfer this data, the idea is that using GATT and Bluetooth-Low-Energy we will program the devices correctly. We haven't really found any relevant guides on the web so we thought we would check here if anyone have done a similar project or have any tips on how we can move forward.
probably the simplest approach is to use a Bluetooth or BLE serial protocol
e.g. using an ESP32 I have used File > Examples > BluetoothSerial > SerialtoSerialBT to communicate with a serial app on an Android phone so should be no problem connecting the Feather to an RPi
How much data? How frequently is the transfer? Are there time synchronization issues? Are you fixed with the two processors, and do they have embedded bluetooth or ble?
Thanks for the answer! Now we have managed to setup a GATT-server on the RPi where we can communicate via UART from the mobile nrf-app. We are currently a bit stuck on how to program the feather to connect to the server and also how to send data from the python-script running on the RPi. We will dive deeper in bluepy and if there are other interesting example code.
There are only three different functions that should run on the feather where the RPi sends data max once every other second to signal which one should run. There is no problem yet about time synchronization and yes we have the RPi and Arduino Feather to work with where both of them are capable of using BLE.