I just started reading the article with my morning coffee, and wanted to say Woot! Gratz! and the like to the folks at Arduino for their feature in Wired Mag!
I havent seen the article yet how do I look in the pictures? ahahahah
I wish I could buy a copy but I am in copenhagen and it'a going to take a while...
NKC got it first! heheh, I had wandered off to scan the page and got sidetracked (ooh! shiney!)
is the full article online somewhere?
That's going to be a collector's issue for sure
Arduino was featured on Wired and made it onto slashdot as well
Great article,
It should be included at the www.arduion.cc home page.
After reading it i must say that i have a added understanding of the whole arduino idea.
A very good read, your right Hulk it should be on the home page on the arduino website.
Certainly made me appreciate the new found hobby i have in the arduino baord and the fact that i can do what ever i want with it, even use it to do a business with ;D.
Its just going to get better.
It was a great article and is the only reason why I now know of this and why I am now on the forms...The whole idea of OS hardware really blew my mind! :o
It's always so exciting when Open Source hardware (or software for that matter) is mentioned in the (somewhat) mainstream. I subscribe to Wired, and admittedly didn't see it the first time I skimmed through the issue. Keep up the excellent work Mr. Banzi!