I don't understand now.
If you use Esp32 with hardware serial, you need to use correct pins and modify the code.
What exact Esp32 board you have?
I tried this code but it still didn't work
#include <Adafruit_Fingerprint.h>
#include <HardwareSerial.h>
// ESP32'de UART2 pinlerini kullan
#define RX2_PIN 16
#define TX2_PIN 17
HardwareSerial mySerial(2);
Adafruit_Fingerprint parmakizi = Adafruit_Fingerprint(&mySerial);
void setup() {
mySerial.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, RX2_PIN, TX2_PIN);
parmakizi.begin(9600); // Baud rate'i burada belirtin
if (parmakizi.verifyPassword()) {
Serial.println("Parmakizi modülü başarıyla başlatıldı!");
} else {
Serial.println("Parmakizi modülü bulunamadı!");
while (1);
void loop() {
Serial.println("Parmak bırakmak için hazırım...");
if (parmakizi.getImage() == FINGERPRINT_OK) {
Serial.println("Parmak algılandı!");
if (parmakizi.image2Tz() == FINGERPRINT_OK) {
Serial.println("Görüntü işlendi!");
int parmakId = parmakizi.storeModel(1);
if (parmakId == FINGERPRINT_OK) {
Serial.println("Parmak başarıyla kaydedildi!");
} else {
Serial.println("Kayıt sırasında hata oluştu!");
If you have normal Esp32 board, serial looks correct.
Try with baud rate 57600.
same error
Nothing to suggest...
No problem, my friend, even your help this much is very valuable to me. I will give you the results after working on it a little more, thank you again.
I expect you updated your wiring, Tx to gpio16 and Rx to gpio17...
I tried that before you said but it didn't work.
Good luck
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