Arduino/Flash conversation

Hi, I think I need some help of someone who is experienced in Arduino/Flash conversation.

With my Arduino board I want to measure six different voltages. I have managed to measure these and read out the values with the serial monitor. According to these values, I would like to let Flash play a specific sound file, so eg. Voltage 1 = sound file 1, voltage 2 = sound file 2, etc.

So far, I have the following code.


// ---------------------------------------------------

char serInString[100]; // array that will hold the different bytes of the string. 100=100characters;
// -> you must state how long the array will be else it won't work properly

int analogInput = 3; //variables for input pin

int value = 0; //store value

// ---------------------------------------------------

void setup(){
pinMode(analogInput, INPUT); //declaration of pin modes
beginSerial(9600); //setup serial conversation at 9600 bauds

// read (and print back) full strings from the serial port

void readSerialString (char *strArray) {
int i = 0;
if(serialAvailable()) {
while (serialAvailable()){
strArray = serialRead();

  • i++;*
  • }*
  • } *
    void printSerialString(char *strArray) {
  • int i=0;*
    _ if (strArray != 0) { _
    _ while(strArray != 0) {
    serialWrite( strArray );
    strArray = 0; // optional: flush the content

    * }
    //utility function to know whether an array is empty or not*

    boolean isStringEmpty(char *strArray) {
    * if (strArray[0] == 0) {
    return true;
    } else {
    return false;
    /send to flash_
    void sendStringToFlash (char *s) {
    _ while (s) {

    printByte(0); //notify the XMLSocket that the communication is over

    void ArduinoTestSend(int value){
    * if(value==133) {sendStringToFlash("This is number 1!"); //these are the values I read in the*
    * printByte(0); //end of communication in XML socket //Serial monitor (133, 216, 287, ...)
    } else if(value==216) {sendStringToFlash("This is number 2!");
    printByte(0); //end of communication in XML socket*

    * } else if(value==287) {sendStringToFlash("This is number 3!");
    printByte(0); //end of communication in XML socket*

    * } else if(value==702) {sendStringToFlash("This is number 4!");
    printByte(0); //end of communication in XML socket*

    * } else if(value==845) {sendStringToFlash("This is number 5!");
    printByte(0); //end of communication in XML socket*

    * } else if(value==912) {sendStringToFlash("This is number 6!");
    printByte(0); //end of communication in XML socket*

    * }
    void loop(){
    value = analogRead(analogInput); //read value on analog input*

    * printInteger(value); //print out value over serial port*_

* delay(2000); //delay of 2 seocnds*
* //try to read the serial port and create a string out of what you read*
* readSerialString(serInString);*

* // prints the sentence only if Flash actually said something*
* if( isStringEmpty(serInString) == false) {*

* //first send feedback to flash that it's sentence has been heard*
* printString("Arduino heard you saying: ");*
* printSerialString(serInString);*

* //optional: separate confirmation and reply in two different serial strings*
* //by passing a byte(0) that informs the XMLSocket that the comunication is over*
* printByte(0);*

* //now answer to Flash continuing the conversation, sending the appropriate reply*
* ArduinoTestSend( value ); *
The problem: I can see Arduino confirming that he heard Flash connecting, but he does not say anything back. Does this mean that there is something wrong in the Arduino code, or do I have to make changes to the Actionscript file? I guess I do have to make changes to the Actionscript file, but I don't understand exactly what...
I hope someone can help me! I am not an experienced programmer... so I really need some help :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot!