How Beginners can control Arduino Uno from their Androd mobile using pfodApp
No Soldering Required, No Coding Required.
Suitable for young pre-teens. Inexpensive (~US50.00)
I wrote pfodApp, about a year ago to let me control my torches from my Android mobile.
My aim was to provide a general purpose application that could be used for any micro-processor project without have to do any Android coding.
On the micro side, the pfodDevice, the messages are simple plain text and completely control the screens shown on the mobile. Think HTML replacement, but with a much simpler format and much shorter messages designed for ease of coding in a micro processor. The pfodApp, on your mobile, functions as micro-browser and the pfodDevice, on you Arduino Uno, is the micro-server.
When a friend introduced me to Arduino, I realised how Arduino lets you do the microprocessor stuff easily and with very little coding. So I developed some Arduino libraries (pfod™ Parser Library for Arduino/non-Arduino microprocessors) to make it easy to handle and parse the simple commands coming back from the pfodApp.
Recently I added sliders to the menu options supported by pfod and realised I had everything needed to control the basic digital and analog pins functions on an Arduino board.
So I put this project together to get complete beginners up and running on Arduino with no coding at all. The UnoStarter sketch even has build in help.
But this is only a starting project and hopefully it will fires their interest and they will go on to coding their own projects, either stand alone Arduino projects or pfodApp controlled ones. lists a number of other complete projects.
The latest version of pfodApp also connects via wifi and has the option of 128bit security so you can control your projects over the internet.
pfodApp also supports UTF-8 and there is a tutorial on how to code your Arduino so the Android screens on your mobile will be display in your native (non-English) language.
Although there is extensive documentation ( and examples on how to use the pfod messages, I am happy to lend a hand to getting your code running. Just drop me an email.