Arduino for windows must be run as admin for 3rd party libraries to be used?


I usually use Arduino on a Mac but am trying to set my son up on his Windows 8 PC.

He's able to compile programs that use the core libraries, but not any 3rd party libraries he adds. Libraries added to his "my documents/arduino" library do not show up in the import library list.

If I add libraries to my "my documents" folder on the computer and run Arduino IDE as admin, I can use the 3rd party libraries.

Does anyone know a way to set things up so that a non-admin account can use libraries in that account's "my documents" path?

While using your son's account...
• Start the Arduino IDE
• Click the File menu item then Preferences

Are you putting third-party libraries in the Sketchbook location?

Good tip. That preference had been changed to another path. Works now.