Arduino full screen on startup

Is there a setting in the preference file that I can change so that Arduino opens up as a full window when I start it, so I don't always have to hit the maximize button? (I'm on Windows XP)

This is a common request (or at least for it to remember the last size which is effectively the same thing) and a very simple feature to implement, but so far AFAIK it has fallen on deaf ears so don't hold your breath.


Who is actually developing the IDE, is he/she/they listening end users? Few basic things could be solved quickly, they seems to be matter of settings mostly. Is there config-file some sort of to tamper with?

I would like to change the temp folder for individual IDE's, so I can easily start two different tasks with their own parameters... That could(?) be done by having separate folders for IDE's, but not quite as I expect. But almost.


Well, there seems to be preferences.txt to play with, but it's not the only thing you need. There's probably other temporary file "out there" that holds some of the initialization parameters for IDE.

I renamed old preferences.txt and let the IDE to create new one, and it still find last edited job somehow...
Is there any documentation available? I could make startupo window bigger, but the location on the desktop is... not good... find out yourself.


There is a discussion bouncing round on the developers email list about this atm.

Everyone knows it's not ideal as it is currently.

There are some settings in the preferences file that affect the IDE size
editor.window.height.default=600 can be changed to suit.
editor.window.width.default=500 can be changed to suit.
You can check where the prefence is, by selecting File, preferences, and noting where it is.

The last sketch also seems to be stored by windows in the registry.

it seems that the Arduion IDE ignores the last.screen.width=1200 and last.screen.height=1600 settings that it saves.

Good luck

And the placement of the window is not ok, there's no way to give XY-positions for the top leeft corner?


I take it that this is still falling on deaf ears? This should be a simple fix.

I honestly cant see what the fuss is about at least in windows.
The fix here was so simple it scared me.

Open the IDE
Maximise the IDE
Load a sketch (any will do)
Save that sketch.
Close the IDE.
Open it and here its in full screen.