So I'm in the planning stages of a 3 axis CNC, just a dremel job for my first one.
I'm trying to sort out my electronics and code while waiting for parts in the mail and I'm hitting lots of walls. I have 3 Nema 17's, 3 easy driver version 4.3 boards and an arduino 328.
I've gotten the steppers moving using the various stepper libraries. I've approximated the settings/scales, feedrates and all that stuff ( I think) in the g code interpreters that I've tried.
I've tried the 1.3 reprap version chris M's rewrite ( with accelerations)
I've actually been able to get my X motor(the only one I have attached to my arduino right now, through an easy driver using only step and dir pins to move when sending Gcode commands from the serial monitor.
okay now problems/questions:
I can't get replicator G to work at all, it generates gcode, then connects to my arduino, and then nothing happens, the control panel wont move my motors at all. When I click enable stepper controls, an orange light blinks on the arduino, but not when I click the jog buttons. When I hit build... nothing, just says it's building...
I found the old processing sketch gcode_host.pde in the 1.2 firmware, but when I send that a job, it only runs the first line... like this
sent: GX blah blah blah
got: ok
and then stops there...
I've seen some pretty awesome and well tuned mills on this forum, I'm just curious what you guys use to generate code and send it as a host? Is your code available for that?
Can Replicator G be made to do this function or is all of that extruder/makerbot stuff getting in the way?
thanks a lot, I know... too many questions.