Arduino G code + some hostsoftware...on a mac

So I'm in the planning stages of a 3 axis CNC, just a dremel job for my first one.

I'm trying to sort out my electronics and code while waiting for parts in the mail and I'm hitting lots of walls. I have 3 Nema 17's, 3 easy driver version 4.3 boards and an arduino 328.

I've gotten the steppers moving using the various stepper libraries. I've approximated the settings/scales, feedrates and all that stuff ( I think) in the g code interpreters that I've tried.

I've tried the 1.3 reprap version chris M's rewrite ( with accelerations)

I've actually been able to get my X motor(the only one I have attached to my arduino right now, through an easy driver using only step and dir pins to move when sending Gcode commands from the serial monitor.

okay now problems/questions:

I can't get replicator G to work at all, it generates gcode, then connects to my arduino, and then nothing happens, the control panel wont move my motors at all. When I click enable stepper controls, an orange light blinks on the arduino, but not when I click the jog buttons. When I hit build... nothing, just says it's building...

I found the old processing sketch gcode_host.pde in the 1.2 firmware, but when I send that a job, it only runs the first line... like this
sent: GX blah blah blah
got: ok

and then stops there...

I've seen some pretty awesome and well tuned mills on this forum, I'm just curious what you guys use to generate code and send it as a host? Is your code available for that?

Can Replicator G be made to do this function or is all of that extruder/makerbot stuff getting in the way?

thanks a lot, I know... too many questions. :cry:

so, I'm attempting to use GRBL, but everytime I try to flash my arduino, I get an out of sync error.

Any clues?

It works fine from within the IDE

I can't get replicator G to work at all, it

Won't work on my mac either. I have contacted the authors but they don't have plain serial systems so they unfortunately can't help much.

I'm attempting to use GRBL,

Can you explain what this is please.

it seems to be a native c program that runs on the arduino as an interperter, and also a host command line program(bad for me) that runs on a computer and connects over usb.

I can't get it to flash my arduino using terminal though(using avrdude) I get out of syc erros of 0x6f response. The code changes when I change my baud rate in the updateflash command.

what I was referring to.