Arduino Gen4 Smart Display

I'm using the GEN4-FT812-50T development kit from [Mouser]

This is currently connected to a Wemo D1 Mini Arduino since its MISO, MOSI, and SCLK are 3.3vdc vs. 5vdc on the Arduino Uno and Metro.

Connections are as follows:

gen4 = gen4-FT81x 30-way FFC interface Pin
D1 Mini = Wemo D1 Mini Arduino board

gen4 pin 1 - GND --- D1 Mini pin G
gen4 pin 4 - SPI Chip Select from Host ---D1 Mini pin D8 - IO, 10k Pull-down, SS
gen4 pin 6 - SPI_MOSI --- D1 Mini pin D7 - IO, MOSI
gen4 pin 7 - SPI_MISO --- D1 Mini pin D6 - IO, MISO
gen4 pin 8 - SPI_SCK --- D1 Mini pin D5 - IO, SCK
gen4 pin 26 - +5V --- D1 Mini pin 5V

I'm using this code found on the Gen4 site for this model and an Arduino, [FT81x Arduino Example]. I've made the recommended changes that are spelled out in the readme file for this particular board. I've also tried code from other 3rd party libraries.

In all cases, I can get the Arduino to accept uploads. However, the GEN4-FT812-50T just sits idle. I've tried resetting the 30 pin ribbon multiple times to ensure it was not a pad connection as well, pin sides up.

What am I missing here? I'm reaching out to the community to see if anyone has succesfully interface with this series of smart display.

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