The Arduino IDE is a great platform to write, compile and download Arduino development code.
Is there a way that I can see what the Assembly level code that exactly gets generated by IDE (the assembly / low level code) - I wish to debug what Arduino register level programming / setting is happeneing - so that I can directly interfacxe with the board using U-boot and my assembly program.
UECIDE includes an option to automatically save the assembly output (.lss file) into the sketch folder when you build - much more convenient than hunting for it and converting it yourself.
In windows you can make your own shortcut.
Open Explorer type 'shell:sendto' in that folder create a .bat file with the below text, fix the path to your IDE.
Then once compiled the IDE will give you the temp compile path ( with verbose option on ), in that folder right click on XXX.elf and choose 'Send To->yourbat.bat'
it will generate XXX.elf.txt.
The same for RAM usage can be done using this in a bat file: