I'm trying to use GSM library in IDE with Rx on pin 15 of Arduino Mega 2560..... (Rx3)
Although this pin supports change interupt , it does not work...
I'm trying to use GSM library in IDE with Rx on pin 15 of Arduino Mega 2560..... (Rx3)
Although this pin supports change interupt , it does not work...
If pin 15 is a hardware serial port RX, why does it need to be a pin change interrupt? You say it does not work. What is "it"? Can you describe the problem better?
If pin 15 is a hardware serial port RX, why does it need to be a pin change interrupt? You say it does not work. What is "it"? Can you describe the problem better?
GSM library in arduino IDE is using softserial for communication.
Softserial is using change interupts for Rx.
İn the library there is a warning...
"Not all pins on the Mega and Mega 2560 support change interrupts, so only the following can be used for RX: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 50, 51, 52, 53, A8 (62), A9 (63), A10 (64), A11 (65), A12 (66), A13 (67), A14 (68), A15 (69)"....
So pin 15 can bu used for Rx as claimed, but I can't use it...
Perhaps there is a way to use one of the hardware serial ports by changing the library. I am not at all familiar with that library, but it is often just a matter of changing a define or 2.