I bought the Arduino GSM Shield 2 and I am trying to send an SMS.
I am using:
- Arduino Mega ( I did the necessary changes for Mega)
- standard GSM library ( 1.0.6)
- sim card (in Austria) which has been checked with a phone
What the program does:
- connect to gsm and turn on a led when connected ( this part is working)
- send an SMS when I push a button ( this part does not work)
The code is pretty close to the samples provided by arduino web site.
#include <GSM.h>
*const int buttonPin = 4; *
*const int ledPin = 12; *
*const int ledPinBoard = 13; *
*int buttonState = 0; *
GSM gsmAccess(true);
GSM_SMS sms;
boolean notConnected = true;
boolean doSend = false;
char remoteNumber[20]= "XXXXXXXXXX";
void setup() {
- Serial.begin(9600); *
- pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);*
- pinMode(ledPinBoard, OUTPUT);*
- pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);*
- digitalWrite(ledPinBoard, LOW);*
void loop() { - buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);*
- if (buttonState == HIGH) {*
- doSend = true;*
- }*
- if(notConnected)*
- {*
- if(gsmAccess.begin(PINNUMBER)==GSM_READY) {*
- notConnected = false;*
- Serial.println("Connected");*
- digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);*
- } else {*
- digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);*
- }*
- } else {*
- digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);*
- }*
- if (doSend) {*
- doSend=false;*
- sendSMS(); *
- }*
- delay(1000);*
void sendSMS(){ - char txtMsg[200]="Test";*
- sms.beginSMS(remoteNumber);*
- sms.print(txtMsg);*
- sms.endSMS();*
Th Error which I get after sms.endSMS(); is :
58 62>%13%%10%>
58 81>%13%%10%> %13%%10%+CMS ERROR: 159%13%%10%
Error 159 means "Unspecified TP-DCS error" but that is pretty much all that I found about it ( the name).
Am I missing something ?
Is there maybe a workaround for it ?
Thanks !