Hey all I am wondering if my code below can be modified in order for the arduino to send more than 300 chars to a HM-10 bluetooth 4.0 le module?
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial bluetooth(8,9); // RX, TX
String btString;
String comString;
int isVS;
void setup() {
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {;}
Serial.println("PC Side Connected");
while (!bluetooth) {;}
bluetooth.println("Bluetooth Side Connected");
void loop() {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
//The IDE Sends and the phone receives
comString = Serial.readString();
//Check to see if this request is coming from Visual Studio
isVS = comString.indexOf("_VS");
if (isVS > -1) {
//Is coming from Visual Studio so display it over serial port
} else {
//Not coming from VS so send it to the bluetooth phone
if (bluetooth.available() > 0) {
//The phone sends and the IDE receives
btString = bluetooth.readStringUntil('\n');
As in my code above, i've already tried to add the #define SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE 512 to the top to give the software serial more buffers but that does not allow me to send more than ~310 chars.
So sending this string:
{MAC:'00-14-22-01-23-45',settings:{rgb:true,quotes:true,sleep:false,timeFrame:{on:'05:30:00',off:'22:30:00'},reset:false,weatherZip:'57104',userInfo:{left:'John Rambo',right:'T100'}},wifiInfo:{Name:'ItBurnsWhenIP',Pwd:'AwHk6gKnsMdxw3boWWAhus5NNCV304YQb/2287QqzH0WnS5W59vCzzW2pR8kgHI79hAUglQOCcBiEKiNWRBQ3oyvyJ0/fDfM1aKa9gfoy3kGHA=='}}
works just fine but if i send out a little more information:
{MAC:'00-14-22-01-23-45',settings:{rgb:true,quotes:true,sleep:false,timeFrame:{on:'05:30:00',off:'22:30:00'},reset:false,weatherZip:'57104',userInfo:{left:'JohnRambo',right:'T100'}},wifiInfo:{Name:'ItBurnsWhenIP',Pwd:'AwHk6gKnsMdxw3boWWAhus5NNCV304YQb/2287QqzH0WnS5W59vCzzW2pR8kgHI79hAUglQOCcBiEKiNWRBQ3oyvyJ0/fDfM1aKa9gfoy3kGHA==','testing out some more strings'}}
It shows everything but the gs'}} at the end on the iphone.
How would i go about fixing this so i can send much more than this?