Hello, I am writing to you about Arduino, or rather Arduino + bluetooth! There is bluetooth joystick (it comes to ios and it works all for Android), I did not see a solution in Google that would allow any bluetooth joystick to be connected to control Arduino (for example, a motor or a typewriter). I looked for various modules (HM-10, HC-05), but so and not one did not fit! I hope you are interested in this problem! Thank you!
I did not see a solution in Google that would allow any bluetooth joystick to be connected to control Arduino
What do you want to connect the joystick to? How? Don't you think that a link to the joystick might have been useful?
That device uses Bluetooth 3 protocol, while HC05 is Bluetooth 2. You need to ensure first that they are compatible. They probably aren't, but you may have better results with the HM-10. Secondly there is no indication of what signals are transmitted by the device. So, even if it could talk to Bluetooth, it might be hard for Arduino to understand what it is saying.
i have hm10,hid joystick send code press key, how to get it?
The small joysticks use the HID protocol and to connect, the main device needs to run a HID host firmware. Non of the small UART BT and BLE devices have this.
If you want to try something different. ESP32 now has HID libraries. Both regular HID (create a mouse, keyboard etc) and host (connect to a mouse, keyboard etc).
The small joysticks use the HID protocol and to connect, the main device needs to run a HID host firmware. Non of the small UART BT and BLE devices have this.If you want to try something different. ESP32 now has HID libraries. Both regular HID (create a mouse, keyboard etc) and host (connect to a mouse, keyboard etc).
[TW#19010] Bluetooth LE HID host demo ? (IDFGH-855) · Issue #1683 · espressif/esp-idf · GitHub
The small joysticks use the HID protocol and to connect, the main device needs to run a HID host firmware. Non of the small UART BT and BLE devices have this.If you want to try something different. ESP32 now has HID libraries. Both regular HID (create a mouse, keyboard etc) and host (connect to a mouse, keyboard etc).
[TW#19010] Bluetooth LE HID host demo ? (IDFGH-855) · Issue #1683 · espressif/esp-idf · GitHub
The small joysticks use the HID protocol and to connect, the main device needs to run a HID host firmware. Non of the small UART BT and BLE devices have this.
Did not find the options for connecting HM-10 as HID host, can tell where to get the firmware to HID host
The HM-10 is not HID. I have never found a module with a HID host firmware.
I have just dug out my ESP32's to play with and one of the things I will try is using it as a HID host. No idea when this will be though. I have a lot of other things I need to do first.