Arduino Help Piano

Hi, I'm making a "piano" with a buzzer and 8 buttons, I have almost the code to make it sound with the buttons, but now I'm trying to make a code using a BLE to send a letter or a command through an app and make a sound, and with a combination of sounds make a little melody, this is what I have until now but it dosen't make a sound, can you please help me showing me what the error or tell me some tips? Thank you very much.

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
int NOTE_C3 = 128;
int B2;

int NOTE_D3 = 146;
int B3;

int NOTE_E3 = 164;
int B4;

int NOTE_F3 = 171;
int B5;

int NOTE_G3 = 196;
int B6;

int NOTE_A3 = 216;
int B7;

int NOTE_B3 = 242;
int B8;

int NOTE_C4 = 256;
int B9;

int duration = 200;

int pinBuzzer = 11;

void setup (){
pinMode (2,INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (3,INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (4,INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (5,INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (6,INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (7,INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (8,INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (9,INPUT_PULLUP);


void loop (){

char data = ();
if (data == 'R'){
tone(pinBuzzer, NOTE_B3, duration);


Why are you including SoftwareSerial.h when you never create an instance of the SoftwareSerial class?

Why is your bluetooth device connected to the hardware serial pins, preventing you from debugging the sketch?

Does the fact that no serial data arrives cause the quietness, or are there some pin conflicts somewhere?

It looks like you are trying to use the serial console to send an 'R' to your sketch.
Use also Serial.begin() and Serial.println() to see what you are getting. Progress from there.