Arduino, HID RMK40 & Electric Door Strike for Access Control?

Hi guys,

I've been researching access control, for a storage room (networking, radio communications, etc,), I'm hoping to build in the near future here, & so far, any "kits" out there, are the ones, that the keypad/ reader itself is the controller, & due to its setup, is not tamper proof.

I came across this video, which by the title, says it's an HID RPK40, supposedly controlled by an Arduino, but gives no evidence that it is, & just shows it being used, first with an RFID Card & then a 4 digit PIN Code.

I am wondering, if it'd be possible to (as the title says) setup an Arduino with an HID RMK40, (which is basically the exact same as the one in that video, just with the added ability to accept a magnetic swipe card as well), to control access to this future room, with it setup to accept, either an RFID Card (or tag), PIN Code (5 digits?), or magnetic swipe card for access, using an electric door strike (setup to stay locked in the case of power failure. Would just manually use a key to access in that situation).

I'm aware, this may not be possible, considering I will likely not be the only one accessing this room, & therefore I would need to enroll at least 3 RFID tags, PIN codes, & magnetic cards for access (possibly more IF any tags get lost/ damaged) & the likely complexity of the coding required to do this. I am mainly wondering if it'd be possible?

Sorry for the long post. I have tried researching HID & Arduino, but all the results I find, none have showed the coding, & most of them use a standard HID Proximity reader, without the keypad, which only accepts RFID cards or tags.


P.S. If it turns out it isn't possible with an Arduino to use/ enroll more then one RFID Tag, PIN Code, magnetic swipe card, etc. I do have a plan B lined up, which, sadly does not involve an Arduino, but will hopefully help me accomplish this anyways.

I'm aware, this may not be possible, considering I will likely not be the only one accessing this room, & therefore I would need to enroll at least 3 RFID tags, PIN codes, & magnetic cards for access (possibly more IF any tags get lost/ damaged) & the likely complexity of the coding required to do this. I am mainly wondering if it'd be possible?

Yes, this is possible. I know it is possible with the MFRC-522 module, but I don't know for sure about other modules.

Yes, this is possible. I know it is possible with the MFRC-522 module, but I don't know for sure about other modules.

Thanks for the response!
However, I feel you did misunderstand what I was asking/ wondering about.

What I am asking about, I would not need the MFRC-522 module, & would likely just need an Arduino.
I would be purchasing an HID RPK40 (which is a Keypad/ RFID combo) or RMK40, (which is a Keypad/ RFID/ Magstripe Card Reader combo).

I am asking/ wondering, if it'd be possible to use an Arduino connected to an RPK40 or RMK40 with an electric strike for access control to a single door, as the YouTube video I linked in my OP "claims" to do/ show, but no evidence of an Arduino is shown.

If it turns out, it's not possible with either the RPK40 or RMK40, I have a backup plan, which involves a simple TCP/IP Wiegand Network Controller Board for a 1 door, 2 reader setup, which comes with its own software. Was just wondering if it's possible.



I am asking/ wondering, if it'd be possible to use an Arduino connected to an RPK40 or RMK40 with an electric strike for access control to a single door

What is an "electric strike"? Either way, a basic RPK40 has an RS485 interface, so yes, you can use the Arduino to communicate with the device. See page 2 of this document.

The only problem is how to frame the messages. You will either need to get in contact with the manufacturer or the guy who posted that video to get a fix on how the serial protocol works for that specific device. Once you know the protocol and commands, it's an easy project.

What is an "electric strike"? Either way, a basic RPK40 has an RS485 interface, so yes, you can use the Arduino to communicate with the device. See page 2 of this document.

Here is a video of an Arduino setup with an electric door strike, that opens once you input the correct password:

My apologies. I probably should've put "electric door strike" or "door strike" rather then "electric strike".

You will either need to get in contact with the manufacturer or the guy who posted that video to get a fix on how the serial protocol works for that specific device. Once you know the protocol and commands, it's an easy project.

I have left a comment on that video with questions on how they set it up, etc., however since it was uploaded in 2016, I'm unsure if I'll get a response or not. Either way, the room I intend to use this for, has not started being built yet, so it's not as if I am "in a hurry" for a response from the uploader.


Just wanted to respond here, as this is my video.

This was done using the Wiegand protocol that most card readers and access control devices use. Lots of information out there about the protocol, it's pretty common with card readers.

In this video, the board being used was an ESP8266 with Arduino firmware. Also lots of information out there about this board, they're incredibly cheap and include WiFi. I've since moved on to the ESP32.

If you'd have looked at the other videos I've uploaded, you can clearly see me working through this, so it's frankly kind of insulting that you'd call that into question here. In this instance, the ESP board is located far from this controller, about 50 feet away through multiple walls, and I generally don't take video in server rooms.

Really, it looks like you're asking for help here without actually purchasing anything or spinning up any code. Nobody is going to do the work for you. All of what you are asking is easily possible, but requires work.

I made this happen by purchasing equipment and failing a bunch until something worked, and I learned from it. I encourage you to do the same.