Salve dunque io ho un Arduino uno e per controllare un motore da 24 volt uso un md03 .
Ora scaricando qualche esempio , configuarndo la comunicazione i2c, tutto funziona alla perfezione. Ora, se pero' aggiungo delle if clause ( perché dovo comandare il motore con dei pulsanti ) il motore non si muove più. Come faccio a fare interagire dei pulsanti con la comunicazione i2c ?
Grazie mille a tutti
- togli tutti i delay()
- ci fai vedere il Tuo sketch che non funziona.
Ciao Uwe
oky grazie mille ecco qua i 2 programmi che ho tentato con insuccesso
primo tentativo :
* MD03 example for Arduino *
* MD03 is in I2C mode LCD03 controlled by serial *
* *
* By James Henderson 2012 *
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#define ADDRESS 0x58 // Address of MD03
#define SOFTREG 0x07 // Byte to read software
#define CMDBYTE 0x00 // Command byte
#define SPEEDBYTE 0x02 // Byte to write to speed register
#define TEMPREG 0x04 // Byte to read temprature
#define CURRENTREG 0x05 // Byte to read motor current
#define LCD_RX 0x02 // Pin for rx
#define LCD_TX 0x03 // Pin for tx
#define LCD03_HIDE_CUR 0x04
#define LCD03_CLEAR 0x0C
#define LCD03_SET_CUR 0x02
SoftwareSerial lcd_03 = SoftwareSerial(LCD_RX, LCD_TX); // Sets up serial for LCD03
byte direct = 1;
boolean inte = 1;
boolean inte3 = 1;
boolean inte2 = 1;
boolean inte4 = 1;
int lopp = 0;
boolean flx = 0;
boolean flag = 0;
// Stores what direction the motor should run in
void setup(){
lcd_03.begin(9600); // Begin serial for LCD03
lcd_03.write(LCD03_HIDE_CUR); // Hides LCD03 cursor
lcd_03.write(LCD03_CLEAR); // Clears LCD03 screen
int software = getData(SOFTREG); // Gets software version and prints it to LCD03
lcd_03.print("MD03 Example V:");
pinMode (7, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (8, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (5, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (10, INPUT_PULLUP);
void loop(){
inte = digitalRead(7);
inte2 = digitalRead(8);
inte3 = digitalRead(5);
if (inte == 0 && flag == 0 && inte2 == 0 && inte3 == 0)
for(int i = 0; i < 250; i=i++){
sendData(SPEEDBYTE, i); // Sets speed to i // Sets motor to direct, a value of 1 runs the motor forward and 2 runs backward
int temp = getData(TEMPREG);
inte = digitalRead(7);
inte2 = digitalRead(8);
inte3 = digitalRead(5);
if (inte == 1) {flag =1;flx =1;break;}
if (inte2 == 1) {flag =1;flx =1;break;}
if (inte3 == 1) {flag =1;flx =1;break;} // Gets temperature
// Wait to make sure all data sent
if (flx == 0)
Serial.println("led tutto acceso");
sendData (SPEEDBYTE, 250);
flag = 1;
flx = 1;
if (inte == 1 && flag == 1 && inte2 == 0 && inte3 == 0 )
Serial.println("entro nel If di spegnimento");
for(int i = 0; i > 0; i=i--){
sendData(SPEEDBYTE, i); // Sets speed to i // Sets motor to direct, a value of 1 runs the motor forward and 2 runs backward
int temp = getData(TEMPREG);
inte = digitalRead(7);
if (inte == 0) {flag =0;flx=1;break;}
if (flx==1)
Serial.println("led tutto spento");
sendData (SPEEDBYTE, 0);
flag = 0;
flx = 0;
if (inte == 0 && flag == 1 && inte2 == 1 && inte3 == 0 )
Serial.println("entro nel If di spegnimento");
for(int i = 0; i > 0; i=i--){
sendData(SPEEDBYTE, i); // Sets speed to i // Sets motor to direct, a value of 1 runs the motor forward and 2 runs backward
int temp = getData(TEMPREG);
inte = digitalRead(7);
if (inte2 == 0) {flag =0;flx=1;break;}
if (flx==1)
Serial.println("led tutto spento");
sendData (SPEEDBYTE, 0);
flag = 0;
flx = 0;
if (inte == 0 && flag == 1 && inte2 == 0 && inte3 == 1 )
Serial.println("entro nel If di spegnimento");
for(int i = 0; i > 0; i=i--){
sendData(SPEEDBYTE, i); // Sets speed to i // Sets motor to direct, a value of 1 runs the motor forward and 2 runs backward
int temp = getData(TEMPREG);
inte = digitalRead(7);
if (inte3 == 0) {flag =0;flx=1;break;}
if (flx==1)
Serial.println("led tutto spento");
sendData (SPEEDBYTE, 0);
flag = 0;
flx = 0;
inte4 = digitalRead(10);
if(inte4 == 1){ // If loop that swaps value of direct between 1 and 2 each time through loop
direct = 2;
inte4 = digitalRead(10);
if(inte4 == 0){ // If loop that swaps value of direct between 1 and 2 each time through loop
direct = 1;
byte getData(byte reg){ // function for getting data from MD03
Wire.requestFrom(ADDRESS, 1); // Requests byte from MD03
while(Wire.available() < 1); // Waits for byte to become availble
byte data =;
void sendData(byte reg, byte val){ // Function for sending data to MD03
Wire.beginTransmission(ADDRESS); // Send data to MD03
ecco qui il secondo :
* This is a simple test of the MD03 motor controller. It makes the motor move
* forward for five seconds, stop for five seconds, then repeat.
#include <Wire.h>
* Define some useful constants.
#define MD03_ADDRESS 0x58 // The address of the MD03 motor controller
#define MD03_COMMAND_REG 0x00
#define MD03_STATUS_REG 0x01
#define MD03_SPEED_REG 0x02
#define MD03_ACCELERATION_REG 0x03
#define MD03_TEMPERATURE_REG 0x04
#define MD03_MOTOR_CURRENT_REG 0x05
#define MD03_SOFTWARE_REV_REG 0x07
#define MD03_MOVE_FORWARD 0x01
#define MD03_STOP 0x00
#define MD03_MOVE_BACKWARDS 0x02
byte counter;
boolean inte = 1;
boolean inte3 = 1;
boolean inte2 = 1;
boolean inte4 = 1;
boolean flx = 0;
boolean flag = 0;
void setup() {
Wire.begin(); // Initialize the I2C bus
Serial.begin(115200); // Initialize the serial bus
counter = 0;
pinMode (7, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (8, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (5, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (10, INPUT_PULLUP);
void loop() {
* Make the motor move forward for 5 seconds.
Serial.println("Making the motor move forward...");
inte = digitalRead(7);
inte2 = digitalRead(8);
inte3 = digitalRead(5);
inte4 = digitalRead(10);
if (inte == 0 && inte2 == 0 && inte3 == 0)
Wire.beginTransmission(MD03_ADDRESS); // Start communicating with the MD03
Wire.write(MD03_SPEED_REG); // Send the address of speed register
Wire.write(250); // Set the speed
Wire.beginTransmission(MD03_ADDRESS); // Start communicating with the MD03
Wire.write(MD03_ACCELERATION_REG); // Send the address of the acceleration register
//Wire.send(27); // Set the acceleration (27 = reach new speed in 1s)
Wire.write(250); // Set the acceleration (60 = reach new speed in 2s)
if (inte == 1 && inte2 == 0 && inte3 == 0 )
{ // Wait 10 seconds
Serial.println("Stopping the motor...");
* The following decelerates the motor based on the value in the acceleration register.
Wire.beginTransmission(MD03_ADDRESS); // Start communicating with the MD03
Wire.write(MD03_SPEED_REG); // Send the address of speed register
Wire.write(MD03_STOP); // Set the speed to be zero
Wire.beginTransmission(MD03_ADDRESS); // Start communicating with the MD03
Wire.write(MD03_ACCELERATION_REG); // Send the address of the acceleration register
//Wire.send(27); // Set the acceleration (27 = reach new speed in 1s)
Wire.write(100); // Set the acceleration (60 = reach new speed in 2s)
if (inte == 0 && inte2 == 1 && inte3 == 0 )
{ // Wait 10 seconds
Serial.println("Stopping the motor...");
* The following decelerates the motor based on the value in the acceleration register.
Wire.beginTransmission(MD03_ADDRESS); // Start communicating with the MD03
Wire.write(MD03_SPEED_REG); // Send the address of speed register
Wire.write(MD03_STOP); // Set the speed to be zero
Wire.beginTransmission(MD03_ADDRESS); // Start communicating with the MD03
Wire.write(MD03_ACCELERATION_REG); // Send the address of the acceleration register
//Wire.send(27); // Set the acceleration (27 = reach new speed in 1s)
Wire.write(250); // Set the acceleration (60 = reach new speed in 2s)
if (inte == 0 && inte2 == 0 && inte3 == 1)
{ // Wait 10 seconds
Serial.println("Stopping the motor...");
* The following decelerates the motor based on the value in the acceleration register.
Wire.beginTransmission(MD03_ADDRESS); // Start communicating with the MD03
Wire.write(MD03_SPEED_REG); // Send the address of speed register
Wire.write(MD03_STOP); // Set the speed to be zero
Wire.beginTransmission(MD03_ADDRESS); // Start communicating with the MD03
Wire.write(MD03_ACCELERATION_REG); // Send the address of the acceleration register
//Wire.send(27); // Set the acceleration (27 = reach new speed in 1s)
Wire.write(195); // Set the acceleration (60 = reach new speed in 2s)
Wire.beginTransmission(MD03_ADDRESS); // Start communicating with the MD03
Wire.write(MD03_COMMAND_REG); // Send the address of the command register
Wire.write(MD03_MOVE_FORWARD); // Send the forward command
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Quegli strani pulsanti sopra le faccine non sono messi li a caso.
* This is a simple test of the MD03 motor controller. It makes the motor move
* forward for five seconds, stop for five seconds, then repeat.
#include <Wire.h>
* Define some useful constants.
#define MD03_ADDRESS 0x58 // The address of the MD03 motor controller
#define MD03_COMMAND_REG 0x00
#define MD03_STATUS_REG 0x01
#define MD03_SPEED_REG 0x02
#define MD03_ACCELERATION_REG 0x03
#define MD03_TEMPERATURE_REG 0x04
#define MD03_MOTOR_CURRENT_REG 0x05
#define MD03_SOFTWARE_REV_REG 0x07
#define MD03_MOVE_FORWARD 0x01
#define MD03_STOP 0x00
#define MD03_MOVE_BACKWARDS 0x02
byte counter;
boolean inte = 1;
boolean inte3 = 1;
boolean inte2 = 1;
boolean inte4 = 1;
boolean flx = 0;
boolean flag = 0;
void setup() {
Wire.begin(); // Initialize the I2C bus
Serial.begin(115200); // Initialize the serial bus
counter = 0;
pinMode (7, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (8, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (5, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (10, INPUT_PULLUP);
void loop() {
* Make the motor move forward for 5 seconds.
Serial.println("Making the motor move forward...");
inte = digitalRead(7);
inte2 = digitalRead(8);
inte3 = digitalRead(5);
inte4 = digitalRead(10);
if (inte == 0 && inte2 == 0 && inte3 == 0)
Wire.beginTransmission(MD03_ADDRESS); // Start communicating with the MD03
Wire.write(MD03_SPEED_REG); // Send the address of speed register
Wire.write(250); // Set the speed
Wire.beginTransmission(MD03_ADDRESS); // Start communicating with the MD03
Wire.write(MD03_ACCELERATION_REG); // Send the address of the acceleration register
//Wire.send(27); // Set the acceleration (27 = reach new speed in 1s)
Wire.write(250); // Set the acceleration (60 = reach new speed in 2s)
if (inte == 1 && inte2 == 0 && inte3 == 0 )
{ // Wait 10 seconds
Serial.println("Stopping the motor...");
* The following decelerates the motor based on the value in the acceleration register.
Wire.beginTransmission(MD03_ADDRESS); // Start communicating with the MD03
Wire.write(MD03_SPEED_REG); // Send the address of speed register
Wire.write(MD03_STOP); // Set the speed to be zero
Wire.beginTransmission(MD03_ADDRESS); // Start communicating with the MD03
Wire.write(MD03_ACCELERATION_REG); // Send the address of the acceleration register
//Wire.send(27); // Set the acceleration (27 = reach new speed in 1s)
Wire.write(100); // Set the acceleration (60 = reach new speed in 2s)
if (inte == 0 && inte2 == 1 && inte3 == 0 )
{ // Wait 10 seconds
Serial.println("Stopping the motor...");
* The following decelerates the motor based on the value in the acceleration register.
Wire.beginTransmission(MD03_ADDRESS); // Start communicating with the MD03
Wire.write(MD03_SPEED_REG); // Send the address of speed register
Wire.write(MD03_STOP); // Set the speed to be zero
Wire.beginTransmission(MD03_ADDRESS); // Start communicating with the MD03
Wire.write(MD03_ACCELERATION_REG); // Send the address of the acceleration register
//Wire.send(27); // Set the acceleration (27 = reach new speed in 1s)
Wire.write(250); // Set the acceleration (60 = reach new speed in 2s)
if (inte == 0 && inte2 == 0 && inte3 == 1)
{ // Wait 10 seconds
Serial.println("Stopping the motor...");
* The following decelerates the motor based on the value in the acceleration register.
Wire.beginTransmission(MD03_ADDRESS); // Start communicating with the MD03
Wire.write(MD03_SPEED_REG); // Send the address of speed register
Wire.write(MD03_STOP); // Set the speed to be zero
Wire.beginTransmission(MD03_ADDRESS); // Start communicating with the MD03
Wire.write(MD03_ACCELERATION_REG); // Send the address of the acceleration register
//Wire.send(27); // Set the acceleration (27 = reach new speed in 1s)
Wire.write(195); // Set the acceleration (60 = reach new speed in 2s)
Wire.beginTransmission(MD03_ADDRESS); // Start communicating with the MD03
Wire.write(MD03_COMMAND_REG); // Send the address of the command register
Wire.write(MD03_MOVE_FORWARD); // Send the forward command
* MD03 example for Arduino *
* MD03 is in I2C mode LCD03 controlled by serial *
* *
* By James Henderson 2012 *
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#define ADDRESS 0x58 // Address of MD03
#define SOFTREG 0x07 // Byte to read software
#define CMDBYTE 0x00 // Command byte
#define SPEEDBYTE 0x02 // Byte to write to speed register
#define TEMPREG 0x04 // Byte to read temprature
#define CURRENTREG 0x05 // Byte to read motor current
#define LCD_RX 0x02 // Pin for rx
#define LCD_TX 0x03 // Pin for tx
#define LCD03_HIDE_CUR 0x04
#define LCD03_CLEAR 0x0C
#define LCD03_SET_CUR 0x02
SoftwareSerial lcd_03 = SoftwareSerial(LCD_RX, LCD_TX); // Sets up serial for LCD03
byte direct = 1;
boolean inte = 1;
boolean inte3 = 1;
boolean inte2 = 1;
boolean inte4 = 1;
int lopp = 0;
boolean flx = 0;
boolean flag = 0;
// Stores what direction the motor should run in
void setup(){
lcd_03.begin(9600); // Begin serial for LCD03
lcd_03.write(LCD03_HIDE_CUR); // Hides LCD03 cursor
lcd_03.write(LCD03_CLEAR); // Clears LCD03 screen
int software = getData(SOFTREG); // Gets software version and prints it to LCD03
lcd_03.print("MD03 Example V:");
pinMode (7, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (8, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (5, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (10, INPUT_PULLUP);
void loop(){
inte = digitalRead(7);
inte2 = digitalRead(8);
inte3 = digitalRead(5);
if (inte == 0 && flag == 0 && inte2 == 0 && inte3 == 0)
for(int i = 0; i < 250; i=i++){
sendData(SPEEDBYTE, i); // Sets speed to i // Sets motor to direct, a value of 1 runs the motor forward and 2 runs backward
int temp = getData(TEMPREG);
inte = digitalRead(7);
inte2 = digitalRead(8);
inte3 = digitalRead(5);
if (inte == 1) {flag =1;flx =1;break;}
if (inte2 == 1) {flag =1;flx =1;break;}
if (inte3 == 1) {flag =1;flx =1;break;} // Gets temperature
// Wait to make sure all data sent
if (flx == 0)
Serial.println("led tutto acceso");
sendData (SPEEDBYTE, 250);
flag = 1;
flx = 1;
if (inte == 1 && flag == 1 && inte2 == 0 && inte3 == 0 )
Serial.println("entro nel If di spegnimento");
for(int i = 0; i > 0; i=i--){
sendData(SPEEDBYTE, i); // Sets speed to i // Sets motor to direct, a value of 1 runs the motor forward and 2 runs backward
int temp = getData(TEMPREG);
inte = digitalRead(7);
if (inte == 0) {flag =0;flx=1;break;}
if (flx==1)
Serial.println("led tutto spento");
sendData (SPEEDBYTE, 0);
flag = 0;
flx = 0;
if (inte == 0 && flag == 1 && inte2 == 1 && inte3 == 0 )
Serial.println("entro nel If di spegnimento");
for(int i = 0; i > 0; i=i--){
sendData(SPEEDBYTE, i); // Sets speed to i // Sets motor to direct, a value of 1 runs the motor forward and 2 runs backward
int temp = getData(TEMPREG);
inte = digitalRead(7);
if (inte2 == 0) {flag =0;flx=1;break;}
if (flx==1)
Serial.println("led tutto spento");
sendData (SPEEDBYTE, 0);
flag = 0;
flx = 0;
if (inte == 0 && flag == 1 && inte2 == 0 && inte3 == 1 )
Serial.println("entro nel If di spegnimento");
for(int i = 0; i > 0; i=i--){
sendData(SPEEDBYTE, i); // Sets speed to i // Sets motor to direct, a value of 1 runs the motor forward and 2 runs backward
int temp = getData(TEMPREG);
inte = digitalRead(7);
if (inte3 == 0) {flag =0;flx=1;break;}
if (flx==1)
Serial.println("led tutto spento");
sendData (SPEEDBYTE, 0);
flag = 0;
flx = 0;
inte4 = digitalRead(10);
if(inte4 == 1){ // If loop that swaps value of direct between 1 and 2 each time through loop
direct = 2;
inte4 = digitalRead(10);
if(inte4 == 0){ // If loop that swaps value of direct between 1 and 2 each time through loop
direct = 1;
byte getData(byte reg){ // function for getting data from MD03
Wire.requestFrom(ADDRESS, 1); // Requests byte from MD03
while(Wire.available() < 1); // Waits for byte to become availble
byte data =;
void sendData(byte reg, byte val){ // Function for sending data to MD03
Wire.beginTransmission(ADDRESS); // Send data to MD03
l' altro
Qual'è l'errore ?
Ti conviene creare una variabile di stato per il pulsante e controllare quest'ultima per il funzionamento del motore.
Oppure utilizzare una tecnica di debouce.
Esempio -->
niente da fare continua a non funzionare
ma si possono scrivere delle if clause che interagiscano con comandi i2c senza aggiungere componenti particolari ?
Suppongo di si.