Arduino i2c pins?

Hi all. Im working on something using a Nano, in which I have 6 analog thermistors, 1 LDR and one pot connected to the 8 analog inputs. I want to now add a RTC, but looking at the Maxim DS1307 they use ic2, and the ic2 pins on the arduino are on the analog inputs?

Is there a way around this? I know I can't read analog values with the digital pins but can I not use digital pins for the RTC? I have a few spare


softi2c is like a software serial bit for i2c :slight_smile:
obviusly it has limitation and probably you can find something newer if you look around the internet

you are the man! Thanks I didn't know there was something Like that out there, I will have a look around - hopefully I can get it working when my RTC turns up

the ic2 pins on the arduino are on the analog inputs?

Those pins are multi-use.

Those pins are multi-use.

Not at the same time, they aren't.