Arduino IDE 1.6.12 VS MKR1000

Dear Someone;
I am experiencing extreme frustration in regard to two things. I have researched and tried to understand what I may be doing wrong. It may not be me.

First: The MKR1000 seems to be allergic to the IDE. All around usb ports and the like. In general, via various nursing techniques, it takes many attempts to upload a sketch. ( I am working under Windows 7 Pro.) I have seen some forum post language indicating this may be something beyond my control. [Is this a problem and is there a fix?

Second: the wifi of the MKR1000 seems to hang frequently. I have updated libraries and boards without joy. The wifi.scanNetworks() routinely hangs. Is this a known problem and is there a fix?

I have experienced no problems with the MKR1000 other than the issues described here.

I have spent a good chunk of time on these issues and if it is my blunder that would be great! Otherwise, I need to retire my MKR1000 project which really hurts.

I am looking for guidance!!

Your current IDE version would be helpful ?

Also have you installed the BOARD manager for the MKR ?
If not go to "Tools", "Board", select "Board Manager" (wait for it to get the latest) Now select the following.

"Arduino SAMD Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M0+)" and let it install.

The current version for that is 1.6.8 (don't confuse these numbers with IDE versions)

When its done shut down the IDE (A computer re-boot might also be helpful but not always required)

Re start the IDE. and your Board should be available to you.
If this is not the case then the drivers might not be installed.
They can be found in C:\program Files (x86)\Arduino\drivers

Run the dpinst-amd64 for a 64 bit system or the dpinst-x86 for an x86 platform.
Ignore any "unsigned driver" errors and let them install !

If you still have issues then we need to know what you are seeing in the windows device manager under "Ports (COM & LPT) or if you have any hardware with exclamation marks or question marks. so include pictures for that or the text from the box that will describe why it has those errors.

Hopefully you got it going before we have to look at that.

IDE in subject line..I will immediately follow these. Thank you. I will report in a little bit.

Ok; I was current as you described. The relevant error message may be... Many times just the last line below is displayed.
at cc.arduino.packages.uploaders.SerialUploader.uploadUsingPreferences(
at cc.arduino.UploaderUtils.upload(
Caused by: Error touching serial port 'COM4'.
at cc.arduino.packages.uploaders.SerialUploader.uploadUsingPreferences(
... 5 more
Caused by: jssc.SerialPortException: Port name - COM4; Method name - openPort(); Exception type - Port busy.
at jssc.SerialPort.openPort(
... 6 more
An error occurred while uploading the sketch

I will send a picture shortly on the device manager. All looks good there...
Thanks, picture shortly.

OK have you tried the "quickly double tap" the reset button to put it into bootloader mode.
That will also put you on another COM port BTW.

If it does throw something simple at it like the example blink sketch.

All right Ballscrewbob; This allowed me to upload twice in a row. Nice! I think the upload will be under control now. I shall issue Karma. I will investigate my wifi problem further and will report back.

Again; Thanks..

There is a WiFi firmware update sketch in the "WiFi101" examples for the MKR I believe which I think load as part of the boards package.

Might be worth trying it.

I will look into that today as well. Continued thanks.

I am going to separate the wifi issue from the USB problem described above. That was my bad not on the product. Thanks Ballscrewbob