Arduino IDE 1.8.19 advanced configuration which file enable / disable remove empty lines in sourcecode

Hi everybody,

three weeks ago I tested a modification of the Arduino-IDE configuration.

It is a "switch" that enables / dsiables deleting empty lines in the sourcecode *.ino-file

But I don't remember the filename and the place. Googling comes up with the most common hits that don't apply here.

I will be very thankful if somebody can answer this question

best regards Stefan

Probably formatter.conf in the same folder as preferences.txt

Here is mine if it is of any help

# This configuration file contains a selection of the available options provided by the formatting tool "Artistic Style"
# If you wish to change them, don't edit this file.
# Instead, copy it in the same folder of file "preferences.txt" and modify the copy. This way, you won't lose your custom formatter settings when upgrading the IDE
# If you don't know where file preferences.txt is stored, open the IDE, File -> Preferences and you'll find a link

# 2 spaces indentation

# also indent macros

# indent classes, switches (and cases), comments starting at column 1

# put a space after if/for/while

# Move opening brackets onto new line
 --style=allman --style=bsd --style=break -A1

# delete empty lines in functions

# Insert space padding around operators. 

Note that IDE 2.0 uses a different method

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HI @UKHeliBob

that was quick. Thank you very much.
best regards Stefan

We aim to please :smiley:

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