If I select a Teensy 3.0, the code compiles without error.
Can someone enlighten me pls?
My internet searches indicated I should locate the arduino15 directory and delet everything from it and restart my computer and the IDE....and all should be OK....
I tried this with no success....
I have deleted and reinstalled arduino IDE 1.8.13 and reinstalled the Teensyduino.... no success
OK, I am now able to reproduce the issue. So I am more suspicious that CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATHis the cause of your error.
If you don't know how to remove it, you should tell us which operating system you are using, since the instructions for doing that are different from one to the other.
Pert, I do appreciate your assistance.
After many hours of searching, searching again... I decided to google "where can I get config.h" and one of the links came back as: GitHub - psp2sdk/libs: Libraries for PSP2
I downloaded the ZIP file, extracted it, and copied the contents of its "BITS" subdirectory to my existing "arduino-1.8.13\hardware\tools\arm\arm-none-eabi\include\c++\5.4.1\bits" directory and it now works. The config.h is not the only file that was missing, and thats why I copied the entire directory to mine.
Good news is that this resolved my issue.