Arduino IDE not highlighting errors

Hello All

I just downloaded the latest version of arduino 1.6.1 and for some reason if there is an error compiling the IDE does not highlight or jump to where the error is. When I was using version 1.0.6 it always used to highlight the errors but now it doesn't.

Thanks for any help.

At least the error details still say on what file, line, and character the error was found.

Thanks for the reply, is it highlighting errors for you? because I've rolled back to 1.0.6 and its now highlighting errors again.

EH4472 you're right, it's our fault and we will fix it in the next release. We are tracking the bug at Compiler errors don't highlight corresponding line of code. · Issue #2737 · arduino/Arduino · GitHub

Hello there,

I have the same problem with 1.6.1 running on MacOs and java7.
I got back to 1.5.8 which works well.

Thanks for your future release.

Just dropping in...

So i am not the only one thats noticed the lack of highlighting on errors in 1.6.1

Good thing i searched for it :slight_smile:

Yeah as a somewhat new programmer it makes things a bit harder not having that feature

still have the problem. Why releasing a program that is obviusly in a "deep space" beta testing.

is the problem solved ? It is very annoying to search the lines for finding the error....

It's been fixed on the nightly and will be part of 1.6.4