Arduino Infrared (IR) and Radio libraries timer conflict

We use two Uno's:

Board1 = Radio(sender+receiver) + IR(sender)
Board2 = Radio(sender+receiver) + IR(receiver)

Both libraries (IRremote and RH_ASK) use timers to send/receive. Initially they used the same timer - so sketches obviously didn't upload. Then we customized libraries to force them to use different timers - that solved upload failures, but invoked the following new issue:

Radio Driver (RH_ASK) requires init() function to prepare itself and start working.

When we do init() on Board1 (it has IR sender), and then send IR signal - is sends wrong IR data. If we do not init() Radio - IR sends correct data all right.

Board2 (with IR receiver) receives IR data correct - regardless of Radio driver on Board2 being inited or not inited.

If this is unsolvable - let it be :slight_smile: but any idea is welcome.

  • all used libraries and libraries with customized TIMERs can be found in attachment (13.4 KB) (13.4 KB) (9.22 KB) (12.2 KB) (12.2 KB) (12.2 KB) (4.64 KB) (1.97 KB)

Most likely a conflict with the timers of both libraries. IRremote uses timers to receive signals & send(PWM).

Why not try IRLib, it is a lot more configurable out of the box & good documentation.

Sorry, not feeling up to looking thru so much code.