Hey Guys
I found a very cheap LED-strip with a INNOTEK INK1003SO AC130124 on it.
Can i controll the LED-strip with a Arduino? And how?
Besth wishes
Hey Guys
I found a very cheap LED-strip with a INNOTEK INK1003SO AC130124 on it.
Can i controll the LED-strip with a Arduino? And how?
Besth wishes
It appears to be an rgb strip similar in concept to ws2812b etc. Each chip controls a single rgb led, receives serial data on a single line and passes data onto the next chip in the chain.
Here is the data sheet I found
The question is: is the data format it uses compatible with one of those that the NeoPixel or FastLED libraries can support. The data sheet describes the required format but only an expert in those librariaries would know.
You might want to contact the creators of those libraries for advice.
Sorry to necro a dead thread, but this strip and the ink1003SO is WS2812B compatible. All the neopixel libraries will work with it.