Arduino Interfacing between a PC to a Printer


I am a new user with Arduino, having some small exploration with uno, I have an application wanna a interface arduino with a PC to Printer (supported serial communication as well as TCP/IP).

Scenario, is transmitting a .txt file or Excel file (random numbers) to a industrial printer which supports serial as well as TCP/IP comunication protocols.

random numbers should transfer from PC to printer via arduino, Is it possible.


Is there some reason not to use a USB-serial cable to connect the PC to the printer?

If you are thinking of using an Arduino, what role will it play? Keep in mind that an Arduino Uno has only 2000 bytes of SRAM.

What printer, exactly?


Thanks Robin well its a valid point you made about Sram, have tried with simple USB to serial communication but not supported well its a non contact printer like domino, Videojet etc

Thanks Robin well its a valid point you made about Sram, have tried with simple USB to serial communication but not supported well its a non contact printer like domino, Videojet etc

You need to be specific. What printer are you using?

Can you post a link to the printer user manual or datasheet.

Maybe you could build an interface with an FTDI USB-Serial module


Robin's unstated point is the Arduino MUST be able to send the data out to the printer faster than it receives it. I know of no currently available printer that just prints ASCII characters, like the old ones that used an inked ribbon.

Do you have the manual for the printer you are considering?


yes these are the industrial printers videojet below is the link of its operating mannual

This from Page 55

The RS-232 and RS-485 serial communication ports are standard for
Videojet 1620/1620 UHS printer. For more information, contact the Videojet distributor or subsidiary.
You can prepare the printer communication ports for the transmission of data logging information between
the port and a remote device.

As well as the obvious fact that the relevant information is not in the document it seems that the only purpose of the interface is to get data logging info.

This does not seem to be a general purpose printer. From a very very brief read of bits of the document I think it is only intended to print messages that are already stored within the printer.


Thanks for being your reply and devotion to this matter.
